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Can someone explain this Pardini pistol?

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Can someone explain this Pardini pistol? Empty Can someone explain this Pardini pistol?

Post by smsnyder Sat Sep 07, 2019 5:36 pm



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Can someone explain this Pardini pistol? Empty Re: Can someone explain this Pardini pistol?

Post by smsnyder Sat Sep 07, 2019 6:04 pm

Is Perdini still in business? How much did there guns cost? What is so special about these pistols? What models are desirable?


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Can someone explain this Pardini pistol? Empty Re: Can someone explain this Pardini pistol?

Post by Allgoodhits Sat Sep 07, 2019 6:13 pm

It is a Pardini Free Pistol. Free suggested, limited restrictions. .22 LR single shot. International event fired at 50 meters. With a ten ring about the size of silver dollar, it likely is the hardest of the precision pistol events. No longer fired in the Olympics.

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Can someone explain this Pardini pistol? Empty Re: Can someone explain this Pardini pistol?

Post by 1joel1 Mon Sep 09, 2019 1:29 pm

Nice pistol, great price, and CA legal Smile. If I didn't have an MG5 coming in October, I'd seriously consider this.



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Can someone explain this Pardini pistol? Empty Re: Can someone explain this Pardini pistol?

Post by dronning Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:59 pm

smsnyder wrote:Is Perdini still in business? How much did there guns cost? What is so special about these pistols? What models are desirable?
Pardini USA Store 

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Can someone explain this Pardini pistol? Empty Re: Can someone explain this Pardini pistol?

Post by CrankyThunder Mon Sep 09, 2019 4:13 pm

That is a pardini free pistol.  As said before, it is a 22LR single shot.  

I have a newer pardini K22.  You manually insert the round, then you manually close the bolt, then you manually cock the hammer, three distint operations to load the pistol and get it ready to fire.  I assume that this pistol has a similar operation.

The barrel is on the bottom and above the barrel is a steel rod that has movable weights to fine tune the weight/balance of the pistol.

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Can someone explain this Pardini pistol? Empty Re: Can someone explain this Pardini pistol?

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