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.22 Shorts in a .22lr Supermatic Trophy

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.22 Shorts in a .22lr Supermatic Trophy  Empty .22 Shorts in a .22lr Supermatic Trophy

Post by soup Sun Sep 15, 2019 6:01 pm

Folks ,
My buddy inherited a Supermatic Trophy 106 with a 6 3/4” Fluted barrel. Also in the box was an aluminum slide , two 22 short mags and a shorter bull barrel and a small chamber brush . I knew his dad and at one time he did shoot the International dueling event , which is done with 22 shorts . I’m wondering if he used the shorter barrel for shorts . If he did would it hurt anything ? That’s probably why he kept a small chamber brush in his pistol box .
What’s your figuring gents ?


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Join date : 2019-09-15

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.22 Shorts in a .22lr Supermatic Trophy  Empty Re: .22 Shorts in a .22lr Supermatic Trophy

Post by Jack H Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:10 pm

Lots of shorts shot in a long rifle barrel will leave a very hard to remove build up at the front of the chamber.  I have a LR space barrel that had only shorts through it.  It took many soaks and brushings to clear the crud ring.

Is your bull barrel marked for shorts?
Jack H
Jack H

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.22 Shorts in a .22lr Supermatic Trophy  Empty Re: .22 Shorts in a .22lr Supermatic Trophy

Post by soup Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:23 pm

No his barrel is clearly marked .22 long rifle.


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.22 Shorts in a .22lr Supermatic Trophy  Empty Re: .22 Shorts in a .22lr Supermatic Trophy

Post by Wobbley Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:16 pm

Nice inheritance, but the Pistol Rapid Fire event is now shot with 22LR.

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.22 Shorts in a .22lr Supermatic Trophy  Empty Re: .22 Shorts in a .22lr Supermatic Trophy

Post by soup Mon Sep 16, 2019 12:03 pm

ALso was a 5.5” S&W model 41 in the box with 2 mags , screw driver &
manual sheet . The Trophy also had 2 short mags and 2 red bottom lr mags in the box with instruction sheets .
His father was a WWII vet . He gave his grandson a boxed .Colt 45 which the Army or Marine armorers put together while he was in a pistol shooting clinic at Perry for 1 or 2 weeks. I think it was in the late 60s or early 70 . He told me what the pistol cost it was about 95 or 129 .
They paid the military’s price.
Imagine if they offered that today ?


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Join date : 2019-09-15

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.22 Shorts in a .22lr Supermatic Trophy  Empty Re: .22 Shorts in a .22lr Supermatic Trophy

Post by 243winxb Mon Sep 16, 2019 2:59 pm

The slide, 2 magazines & barrel are a 22 short kit. Used to fire the old ISU  rapid fire event in the 1970. The barrel has a different twist rate for the short.   Mine had a removable muzzle brake, in the kit. 

Firing shorts in a LR  barrel is not  very accurate.

The dueling was center fire.  I used a S&W M 28 , shooting 38 specials.

Photos-  Kit link

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