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Hammerli 208 S trigger stop

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Hammerli 208 S trigger stop Empty Hammerli 208 S trigger stop

Post by ser2711 9/16/2019, 10:13 am

After 40 years I bought again an Hammerli 208 S (now in Italy very cheap, less than $500 in perfect condition) my first was 208. The new trigger can be set as you want, pull weight, pull slack weight..what I notice that there is no trigger stop as was in the old model.. I mistake or is it correct? If correct is a geat handicap no trigger stop for precision shooti


Posts : 125
Join date : 2018-06-07
Location : Milano

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Hammerli 208 S trigger stop Empty Re: Hammerli 208 S trigger stop

Post by Ed Hall 9/16/2019, 10:32 am

The 208s trigger stop is located in the forward part of the frame where the cross piece of the slide rides.  You have to use a very long allen wrench to reach it.  If you're having trouble finding it, make sure you pull the trigger guard down.  The stop adjustment is right behind the little tab that goes up into the frame.

If you haven't seen my page, it may be of interest:

Cleaning and Adjustments for the Hammerli 208s

Edit to add:  I think the second stage adjustment can also work as a trigger stop by adjusting the second stage to bottom out in the correct location, but I'm not sure if the travel is great enough and not at a point where I can check.

Last edited by Ed Hall on 9/16/2019, 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Extra clarity of location. . .)

Ed Hall

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Hammerli 208 S trigger stop Empty Re: Hammerli 208 S trigger stop

Post by ser2711 9/17/2019, 1:56 am

Thank you so much for the interesting and useful information


Posts : 125
Join date : 2018-06-07
Location : Milano

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Hammerli 208 S trigger stop Empty Re: Hammerli 208 S trigger stop

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