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S & W rear sight vs. Keng rear sights

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S & W rear sight vs. Keng rear sights Empty S & W rear sight vs. Keng rear sights

Post by xman 9/19/2019, 1:35 am

What are the advantages and disadvantages of either? I have a brand new SW rear sight on a 5.5 barrel that I kinda want to sell. It came to be with the windage not working. I sent the SW and they replaced the entire rear sight. It is now a "spare" barrel for me with no lower

So I want to price according in comparison to SW 5.5 barrel. But all I can find are those with Keng sights.

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S & W rear sight vs. Keng rear sights Empty Re: S & W rear sight vs. Keng rear sights

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 9/19/2019, 2:49 am

I have three tops... (2) with BoMar rears ...(1) with the style normally found on a 52.

To my eye there's a post & a notch on all three, there is a difference in the sight cuts, so they don't interchange.

I also have Keng sights on several guns and they compare very well with the BoMars.

That being said, the Keng sight has the advantage of being available.

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S & W rear sight vs. Keng rear sights Empty I have a few 41 barrels.

Post by CrankyThunder 9/19/2019, 7:08 am

The difference between the SW sights and the Keng sights are that the SW rear sight has a smaller plate and while I have not measured it, the notch is a touch smaller. The Keng sight has a much better sight picture when viewed side by side.  Furthermore the Keng sights are better when adjusting.  Been a while since I have adjusted either but I remember liking the Keng a lot more.  For what it is worth, the barrels that have the SW sights also have a red dot mounted.  The barrels that have the Keng sights are iron sighted.  

For what it is worth, I have both SW sights, the standard sight and the revolver sight on my 41 barrels.  The revolver sight is even smaller then the standards SW sight.  

Of course, the above is my viewpoint and others are free to disagree.  


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S & W rear sight vs. Keng rear sights Empty Re: S & W rear sight vs. Keng rear sights

Post by james r chapman 9/19/2019, 10:14 am

Are we talking semi autos or revolvers?
james r chapman
james r chapman

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S & W rear sight vs. Keng rear sights Empty Re: S & W rear sight vs. Keng rear sights

Post by LSM 124 9/20/2019, 11:47 pm

What Cranky is talking about is that back in the late 90's, S&W mounted revolver sights on 41 barrels for a year or two. I know, I have one on my 5.5 barrel. They are relatively few in number...

LSM 124

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S & W rear sight vs. Keng rear sights Empty Re: S & W rear sight vs. Keng rear sights

Post by Mac2 9/23/2019, 2:12 am

Not clear.   Used several Williams Gun Sight Fire-sights (fiber and fully adjustable) on M&P9 M2.0 pistols and all love them.


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