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De-prime or not?

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De-prime or not? Empty De-prime or not?

Post by Bestdentist99 9/20/2019, 7:29 am

Can the experts please chime in whether or not it makes any difference on accuracy, functionality, etc depriming the case prior to wet tumbling. I know that depriming allows the primer pocket to be cleaned and it does look a lot “prettier “, but does it make any difference?
Thanks in advance for your feedback.


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De-prime or not? Empty Re: De-prime or not?

Post by dronning 9/20/2019, 8:26 am

I don't think it makes any difference, but I deprime.  Primarily to keep all the contaminants out of the waste water.  Downside is I am going on my 2nd FAT 50 ammo can of spent primers.
- Dave

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De-prime or not? Empty Re: De-prime or not?

Post by zanemoseley 9/20/2019, 8:47 am

Deprime, otherwise you're gonna trap water in the primer pocket that may or may not dry before you try to reload.


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De-prime or not? Empty Re: De-prime or not?

Post by Wobbley 9/20/2019, 9:07 am

I’ve found it makes little difference in Pistol. In rifle, the cases dry faster so they are usually deprimed first.

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De-prime or not? Empty Re: De-prime or not?

Post by kjanracing 9/20/2019, 1:07 pm

I don't deprime prior wet tumbling. I don't want to add another step to reloading. After I sift the pins out, I dry the brass in a dryer. I used to just lay the cleaned brass out on a fender cover over the weekend.  I've never had any problems with trapped water or misfires.

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De-prime or not? Empty Re: De-prime or not?

Post by Bullseye58 10/21/2019, 9:11 am

I always deprime my casings prior to stainless steel media tumbling. It cleans the primer pockets beautifully and allows me to inspect the flash hole prior to re-priming the case.

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De-prime or not? Empty Re: De-prime or not?

Post by KenO 10/21/2019, 6:31 pm

dronning wrote:I don't think it makes any difference, but I deprime.  Primarily to keep all the contaminants out of the waste water.  Downside is I am going on my 2nd FAT 50 ammo can of spent primers.
- Dave

Whats the downside? Primers are brass, a large coffee can of just spent primers bring around $20. 


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De-prime or not? Empty Re: De-prime or not?

Post by PhotoEscape 10/21/2019, 7:12 pm

No de-priming for pistol for me.  I clean brass in Ultrasonic cleaner and then dry it in NESCO Dehydrator (as Ashley suggested in different post).  Resulting brass is squeaky clean.  I don't see any effect on accuracy, and it is rather "work flow" issue than anything else.  So I'm with Kurt The Evil on this topic.


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De-prime or not? Empty Re: De-prime or not?

Post by LenV 10/21/2019, 8:03 pm

No de-priming for me. Just a step that isn't needed. I drop them in the ultrasonic for about an hour then I let them tumble/dry in the media for a couple of hours. The brass comes out bright, dry and slick. By slick I mean the little bit of wax in the media lets them squirt right thru the press. De-priming also the number one cause to get media stuck in brass and press. Brand new un-primed brass just gets a squirt of "one shot"


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De-prime or not? Empty Re: De-prime or not?

Post by Wes Lorenz 10/21/2019, 8:25 pm

No de-priming? Nothing like spreading lapping compound on your nice reloading machine base.
Here's the base of an old Star machine I bought cheap and am going to weld up and re-machine.
De-prime or not? Img_1010
Wes Lorenz
Wes Lorenz

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De-prime or not? Empty Re: De-prime or not?

Post by Bigtrout 10/22/2019, 7:16 am

It sure seems intuitive to decap before cleaning the brass.  How else could you get trapped residue from the primer pocket?  May not effect accuracy but the pocket must remain "dirty"; not a good practice.

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De-prime or not? Empty Re: De-prime or not?

Post by Deerspy 10/23/2019, 10:45 am

I found that my Dillon SD stays clean a lot longer if I decap  first with a universal deprime die
and the primer feeder works better!


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De-prime or not? Empty Re: De-prime or not?

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