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Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot"

james r chapman
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Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot" Empty Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot"

Post by joeangi Fri Sep 20, 2019 7:05 am

I have a Bill Davis PPC pistol that has the aristocrat adjustable sight rib on it. I only shoot this gun (model 13), which I love, for 50 yard bullseye. I am thinking of adding a red dot (Ultradot?) to this pistol.

My question, is there any way to adapt this rib to accept a red dot? I know that I could remove it and change to a new Airstocrat revolver sight rib, but would rather not invest $300 for the rib. Any advice would be welcome.


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Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot" Empty Re: Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot"

Post by james r chapman Fri Sep 20, 2019 7:51 am

I’m sure the rib could be milled to accept a weaver or pic mounted red dot.
Isn’t it already brutally heavy though?

If it’s like mine.
Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot" 18741f10
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot" Empty Re: Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot"

Post by DA/SA Fri Sep 20, 2019 8:06 am

I'll take it!  Smile

Oops it's not the classifieds...

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Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot" Empty Re: Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot"

Post by james r chapman Fri Sep 20, 2019 9:14 am

Haha! NO NO NO!
DA/SA wrote:I'll take it!  Smile

Oops it's not the classifieds...
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot" Empty Re: Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot"

Post by Wobbley Fri Sep 20, 2019 10:44 am

Maybe a relatively straightforward mod would be to modify the rib so it can take two REAR Leopold/Redfield rear rings. Like the base on the left in this picture:

Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot" F4600710

This would require drilling and tapping with counterboring...basic machine work... probably not cheap but straightforward.


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Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot" Empty Re: Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot"

Post by lablover Fri Sep 20, 2019 10:47 am

james r chapman wrote:I’m sure the rib could be milled to accept a weaver or pic mounted red dot.
Isn’t it already brutally heavy though?

If it’s like mine.
Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot" 18741f10
I drool every time I see this thing...STOP IT JIM!

Btw, any of you with any bright ideas!  Jim has already agreed to adopt me....

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Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot" Empty Re: Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot"

Post by joeangi Fri Sep 20, 2019 12:03 pm

Thank you for the help.

I love the rib, but would be great if there was a way to have a removable picatinny rail on it as well.
[url=https://servimg.com/view/20062786/5]Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot" Davis_12[/url]


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Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot" Empty Re: Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot"

Post by Allgoodhits Fri Sep 20, 2019 12:06 pm

joeangi wrote:I have a Bill Davis PPC pistol that has the aristocrat adjustable sight rib on it. I only shoot this gun (model 13), which I love, for 50 yard bullseye. I am thinking of adding a red dot (Ultradot?) to this pistol.

My question, is there any way to adapt this rib to accept a red dot? I know that I could remove it and change to a new Airstocrat revolver sight rib, but would rather not invest $300 for the rib. Any advice would be welcome.

I am not a machinist, but it appears there is enough steel there to do what you want. Ron Powers made such a rib/sight years ago. Good machinists who would tackle something like this, likely do not work cheap.

Jim Tiritilli 626-339-4045 info@aristocratproducts.com (long shot, but he also could answer the question about his products)
Jon Shue 540-846-0086 jonathaneshue@yahoo.com
Rich Fried 301-253-2789
Warren Moore 913-422-8966

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Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot" Empty Re: Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot"

Post by ropsahl Fri Sep 20, 2019 1:25 pm

I put a dot on top of a M14 with a winged Bomar rib. My machinist neighbor simply machined a Weaver scope mount to fit on top of the Bomar rib. He used the existing Bomar mounting holes and created new holes on the Weaver. I mounted a Ultra Dot on the Weaver base and there are no additional holes in the either Bomar rib or the S&W M14. I know of another shooter that had the scallops machined to simply mount rings on a rib.


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Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot" Empty Re: Modify Bill Davis Aristocrat Sight Rib for "red dot"

Post by Wes Lorenz Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:59 pm

I remember seeing a Bomar rib that had slots machined into it and then steel Weaver blocks were silver brazed in those slots.
It was an elegant job.
Wes Lorenz
Wes Lorenz

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