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Bullseye Target size info?

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 Bullseye Target size info? Empty Bullseye Target size info?

Post by smsnyder 2019-10-05, 6:47 am

Looks like 5.5 inch for 25 yards and 8 inch for 50 yards single hand shooting. Am i correct? What size for 22 caliber shooting? Thanks


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 Bullseye Target size info? Empty Re: Bullseye Target size info?

Post by dronning 2019-10-05, 6:50 am

All listed here:

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 Bullseye Target size info? Empty Re: Bullseye Target size info?

Post by TexasShooter 2019-10-05, 8:01 am

From the rulebook:
50 yard slow fire Standard American Target - 8, 9 and 10 rings black.
X ring.....1.695 in
10 ring.....3.36 in
9 ring.......5.54 in
8 ring.......8.00 in
7 ring......11.00 in
6 ring......14.80 in
5 ring......19.68 in

The 25 yard target is exactly the same but only the 9 and 10 ring are black. The targets don't change with caliber, but there are reduced targets for different distances (enables shooting the same match at shorter ranges).


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 Bullseye Target size info? Empty Re: Bullseye Target size info?

Post by smsnyder 2019-10-05, 8:44 am

Thanks a bunch


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 Bullseye Target size info? Empty Re: Bullseye Target size info?

Post by 45ACP223 2019-10-05, 10:46 pm

Indoors - reduced 50' targets (B2 & B3) are a different story.  The rings are different sizes for slow and timed/rapid fire.   Indoors is definitely more challenging, but on the other hand, you don't have the wind or weather to deal with.

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 Bullseye Target size info? Empty Re: Bullseye Target size info?

Post by chopper 2019-10-06, 9:48 am

45ACP223 wrote:Indoors - reduced 50' targets (B2 & B3) are a different story.  The rings are different sizes for slow and timed/rapid fire.   Indoors is definitely more challenging, but on the other hand, you don't have the wind or weather to deal with.
 Going from 50 & 25 yd targets to 50 ft indoor targets every year requires about 2 days of shooting for me to adjust to, they are a bit different. There might not be any wind or weather to deal with, but at my clubs indoor range you can see your breath in late Dec, Jan, and Feb. The fresh air comes in behind the firing line and gets sucked out by a huge fan behind the target backstop.


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 Bullseye Target size info? Empty Re: Bullseye Target size info?

Post by Slartybartfast 2019-10-09, 10:48 am

45ACP223 wrote:Indoors - reduced 50' targets (B2 & B3) are a different story.  The rings are different sizes for slow and timed/rapid fire.   Indoors is definitely more challenging, but on the other hand, you don't have the wind or weather to deal with.
IIRC, part of the challenge for .22 is that it's more difficult to get higher scores on reduced targets.
The reduction in diameter isn't just a percentage. It's a percentage AND the scaled diameter of the calibre being shot. The .45 that barely nicks the 5-ring at 50yds should barely nick the 5-ring at 50ft. Shoot a .22 on the same 50ft target and that 50yd 5 becomes a very solid 4.
The closer to X you get, the less the difference.

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