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How is a pistol grip made? Video with Thomas Rink

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How is a pistol grip made? Video with Thomas Rink Empty How is a pistol grip made? Video with Thomas Rink

Post by Sa-tevp Sat Oct 05, 2019 10:16 am

I noticed this video on the Rink website.

Machine translation: How is a custom handle created for a pistol or air pistol? At a world-famous Griffbauer I have a Maßgriff build. I show you the individual work steps from desire to the finished product. Thomas Rink willingly provides information on how to build a pistol grip. In addition, I show you an insight into the workshop in which the handles arise.


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How is a pistol grip made? Video with Thomas Rink Empty Re: How is a pistol grip made? Video with Thomas Rink

Post by Ray Dash Sat Oct 05, 2019 11:52 am

Great vid, I wish I lived close enough to get a custom fit.
Ray Dash
Ray Dash

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How is a pistol grip made? Video with Thomas Rink Empty Re: How is a pistol grip made? Video with Thomas Rink

Post by Guest Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:41 pm

Very informative. I've got several Rink grips - they are superb. 

Having watched this video, I wonder if there is a way to do a "remote" custom fitting. Need to think more about that.


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