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Ruger MkII trigger job in Illinois?

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Ruger MkII trigger job in Illinois? Empty Ruger MkII trigger job in Illinois?

Post by Mike38 10/5/2019, 12:54 pm

I installed a Volquartsen kit in my MkII. Lowered the trigger weight from 5.5 to 3.5. 1000 rounds later, it did come down to 3.25. I'd like to be closer to 2.25. Is there a reputable Smith in Illinois that can do this for me? I'd like to be within reasonable driving distance from Bureau County. Somewhere in a triangle Peoria, Moline and Rockford. I do not want to go east towards Chicago. I hate Chicago and the burbs. Thanks.

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Join date : 2016-09-15
Age : 65
Location : Illinois

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Ruger MkII trigger job in Illinois? Empty Re: Ruger MkII trigger job in Illinois?

Post by KBarth 10/6/2019, 1:57 pm

Did you install the new plunger spring as well?

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Ruger MkII trigger job in Illinois? Empty Re: Ruger MkII trigger job in Illinois?

Post by Mike38 10/6/2019, 7:27 pm

KBarth wrote:Did you install the new plunger spring as well?

I believe so?

Posts : 514
Join date : 2016-09-15
Age : 65
Location : Illinois

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