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Les Baer failing to eject.

Jon Eulette
Ray Bersch
james r chapman
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Les Baer failing to eject. Empty Les Baer failing to eject.

Post by knightimac 10/6/2019, 8:23 am

Hi All.
Recently purchased used Les Baer frame mount and it started failing to eject with spent casing becoming lodged on ejector. New cartridge below spent casing trying to feed.
Had local gunsmith work on pistol, but still having same issue just less often. He said he modified extractor and cleaned her up some.
Any ideas in how to proceed next?


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Les Baer failing to eject. Empty Re: Les Baer failing to eject.

Post by james r chapman 10/6/2019, 8:53 am

Load info?
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Les Baer failing to eject. Empty Oil, lots of oil....

Post by Ray Bersch 10/6/2019, 10:59 am

Keep it clean and apply oil liberally.  That's what I found when experiencing the same problem.  When I inquired to Less Baer about the problem after friends recommended more oil the response was "We recommend that all of our pistols be very lubricated at all times."  

Oh, it may be the extractor, the magazine, the recoil spring, the load or even your grip - but oil is cheap and easily applied.   After making it a practice of oiling the gun much more than I would have thought to be reasonable all my problems went away - well, all except those of X ring aversion, which I am working on - the damn thing is just too small.
Ray Bersch
Ray Bersch

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Les Baer failing to eject. Empty Re: Les Baer failing to eject.

Post by knightimac 10/6/2019, 11:24 am

4.3 be with 185 Jhp or lswc 185 with 3.9 be are my loads.

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Les Baer failing to eject. Empty Re: Les Baer failing to eject.

Post by knightimac 10/6/2019, 11:26 am

Does it with all 6 mags I have including two that came with pistol

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Les Baer failing to eject. Empty Re: Les Baer failing to eject.

Post by Jon Eulette 10/6/2019, 11:38 am

Probably needs more extractor tension. That load is plenty hot enough and its a frame mount.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Les Baer failing to eject. Empty Re: Les Baer failing to eject.

Post by Vociferous 10/7/2019, 6:50 am

I had the same problem with the same gun. KC asked me when I last put a mainspring in it. I answered, "never". Put a new 20LB mainspring/hammer spring in. Works fine now. I shot that gun 8 years before replacing it. And I shot it a lot. Hope this helps.

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Les Baer failing to eject. Empty Re: Les Baer failing to eject.

Post by Aprilian 10/7/2019, 7:53 am

Same gun (but now running a slide mount) and for me it happens in two situations, low power loads in the cold and used Starline brass.  Mainspring is fresh (19 lb) and extractor was tensioned with a Wiegland fixture.

incidentally, all LSWC shapes are not alike.  The Magnus 811 I use has more case volume.  The 811 with 3.9 N310 is the load that mentioned above which hangs up in the cold.

EDIT:  I found the Ed Brown springs sold as 19 pounds are 22# on my tester (and much stiffer than what I took out).  I swapped the softer mainspring back in this weekend and there were far less FTE's when cold but as the slide wasn't 100% locking back I need to do a bit more experimenting to get the spring balance for that load.

Last edited by Aprilian on 10/14/2019, 9:26 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : found out about mislabeled spring)

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Les Baer failing to eject. Empty Re: Les Baer failing to eject.

Post by Allgoodhits 10/7/2019, 8:46 am

1. Does it fail to extract if that were the only round in the mag?
2. Does it fail to extract if you load round in chamber, then remove mag?
3. Does it fail more frequently if there are more rounds in the mag?
4. Is spent brass hanging up on the scope mount? Look for a shiny or contact mark.
5. Are you running a shock buff?

The above tests may help isolate the problem. 
If #2 then not magazine or next round related.
If #3 may be mag spring tension issue. Try another brand mag. Wilson springs are stiff.
If #5, take it out and try it. Shok buffs increase spring tension AND reduce rearward slide travel.

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Les Baer failing to eject. Empty Re: Les Baer failing to eject.

Post by knightimac 10/14/2019, 8:13 am

Working on issue.  Thanks for suggestions.  Starting with new springs and extractor tension.  Ruled out mags and lube.  Maybe my grip is also suspect since master shooter has less of same issue when shooting my LB.

Many thanks for your suggestions.

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Les Baer failing to eject. Empty Re: Les Baer failing to eject.

Post by james r chapman 10/14/2019, 8:24 am

In I found on mine that the extractor boss behind the hook was preventing proper contact with the case no matter what tension was set. Had to relieve it about .007 to get it to work properly.
Les Baer failing to eject. 0c475510
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Les Baer failing to eject. Empty Re: Les Baer failing to eject.

Post by dronning 10/14/2019, 8:33 am

james r chapman wrote:In I found on mine that the extractor boss behind the hook was preventing proper contact with the case no matter what tension was set. Had to relieve it about .007 to get it to work properly.
Les Baer failing to eject. 0c475510
+1 and make sure there in no build up in the extractor hole where that boss sits too.
- Dave

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Les Baer failing to eject. Empty Re: Les Baer failing to eject.

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