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Using a 25 yard target at 50

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Using a 25 yard target at 50 Empty Using a 25 yard target at 50

Post by James Hensler 10/13/2019, 12:09 pm

Ok I have been using this for 2 weeks now and I am amazed how big the 50 yard target is to me now! I am kinda thinking aim small miss small and I think this is working. I normally shoot 88-90 with my 45 and most of time I get all 10 in the black but with a lot of 8’s. Now after 2 weeks I am shooting 93-95 and everything in the 9 ring or better! Am I crazy to think this works? Does anyone else train like this?
James Hensler
James Hensler

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Age : 55
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Using a 25 yard target at 50 Empty Re: Using a 25 yard target at 50

Post by SteveT 10/13/2019, 1:51 pm

Most people practicing on a smaller target will develop hesitancy, interrupted trigger and try to perfect the shot too much. If a shooter is intimidated by the "small" target at 50 yards, I doubt they will be able to look past the even smaller target and smoothly pull the trigger.

"Aim small, miss small" is for rifles where you have a firm base of support, a stiff jacket and 4 points of contact with the gun and a sling to tie them all together. It is not generally said for standing off-hand which is the closest rifles come to one handed, unsupported pistol shooting.

"Accept your area of wobble and smoothly pull the trigger to the rear" works much better for pistol shooting.

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Using a 25 yard target at 50 Empty Re: Using a 25 yard target at 50

Post by bruce martindale 10/13/2019, 8:41 pm

True, that's a possibility but for me, once upon a time, it forced me to be more careful about accepting a poor hold. I did shoot better that way.... but it wasn't allowed in competition.

The bull seems to be sized for the use of iron sights and depending on dot size, can be larger than needed.

Instead of a smaller targer, use a bigger dot, if that option is available to you. A brighter flared out dot isn't the right choice.

Good luck

bruce martindale

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Using a 25 yard target at 50 Empty Re: Using a 25 yard target at 50

Post by James Hensler 10/13/2019, 8:52 pm

Oh I can change dot size but I like 2moa
James Hensler
James Hensler

Posts : 1245
Join date : 2018-01-15
Age : 55
Location : Southwest Florida

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Using a 25 yard target at 50 Empty Re: Using a 25 yard target at 50

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