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Loading 32 s and w on a Hornady AP press

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Loading 32 s and w on a Hornady AP press Empty Loading 32 s and w on a Hornady AP press

Post by Melsell 10/20/2019, 7:32 am

I am thinking of getting a 32 s and w pistol. I thought that I had seen someone have problems loading these on the Hornady ammo plant. I am just wondering before I buy a shellplate and such to set it up. If I have to I can set up my lee turret for this caliber. Obviously if I can use the hornady it will be much faster. Thanks


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Join date : 2019-01-20

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Loading 32 s and w on a Hornady AP press Empty Re: Loading 32 s and w on a Hornady AP press

Post by PhotoEscape 10/20/2019, 7:53 am

At the very end of this tread - https://www.bullseyeforum.net/t11479p50-products-part-of-photoescape-website-is-now-active you can see possible solution that will work on both Lee or Hornady.  I just tested it successfully with 32ACP and 32Long.


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Join date : 2018-05-15
Location : Northern Illinois, USA

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