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Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers

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Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers Empty Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers

Post by dronning 10/26/2019, 9:54 am

Using OCR & AI Google is building an index of serial numbers** of pictures of firearms posted on Facebook.  Using crawlers the targeting of specific websites is probably next.  They haven't said why they are doing this, but WTF!!  So if you are concerned about keeping that info private you may want to consider blocking the S/N out of any pictures.  It's unfortunate but the only way to protect your privacy in these high tech times is to be private.

One good result is if you have had a firearm stolen and the thief posts a picture with the serial # exposed at some point you may be able to find it.

- Dave
** Actually anything with a number, like license plates.

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Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers Empty Re: Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers

Post by TonyH 10/26/2019, 10:12 am

You may consider just deleting all your social media pages and accounts while you are at it....no reason to provide them with any of your information. To each his (<-- insert your own pronoun here!) own though! Very Happy

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Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers Empty Re: Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers

Post by dronning 10/26/2019, 10:28 am

TonyH wrote:You may consider just deleting all your social media pages and accounts while you are at it....no reason to provide them with any of your information. To each his (<-- insert your own pronoun here!) own though! Very Happy
LOL yea it is more than a little scary what they track and what they do with it.  Kaye and I did an experiment with Alexa, without waking up Alexa with the Alexa command we had a conversation about our interest in learning to fly.  Next time I was on Facebook I had flight lesson's in my ad feed.  It took a couple of days before they showed up for Kaye.  Alexa hears everything how much they actually save is concerning.

- Dave

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Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers Empty Re: Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers

Post by weber1b 10/28/2019, 10:07 am

My simple but effective solution is not to have any electronic eavesdroppers in my house and no Facebook account.


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Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers Empty Re: Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers

Post by zanemoseley 10/28/2019, 10:30 am

dronning wrote:
TonyH wrote:You may consider just deleting all your social media pages and accounts while you are at it....no reason to provide them with any of your information. To each his (<-- insert your own pronoun here!) own though! Very Happy
LOL yea it is more than a little scary what they track and what they do with it.  Kaye and I did an experiment with Alexa, without waking up Alexa with the Alexa command we had a conversation about our interest in learning to fly.  Next time I was on Facebook I had flight lesson's in my ad feed.  It took a couple of days before they showed up for Kaye.  Alexa hears everything how much they actually save is concerning.

- Dave
I hate to say it but a lot of cell phones do this. My wife noticed it with her iPhone. She was at a store talking to my daughter about pool accessories or something then a day later she started seeing targeted ads for what she was talking about but hadn't searched online for it.


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Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers Empty Re: Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers

Post by inthebeech 10/28/2019, 12:26 pm

Off the grid and loving it.

Deleted all social media accounts.
Switched to a flip phone and an old Garmin for navigating.

It felt like a huge weight was lifted.

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Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers Empty Re: Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers

Post by DA/SA 10/28/2019, 12:31 pm

I never stopped using a flip phone.

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Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers Empty Re: Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers

Post by fc60 10/28/2019, 4:26 pm


Remember, iPhones are made in Communist China.

Seems the Chinese have a keen interest in our affairs.



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Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers Empty Re: Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers

Post by zanemoseley 10/28/2019, 5:30 pm

China makes the hardware, good ole Americans make the software that listens to you to create targeted ads. No need to unnecessarily blame the Chinese, they're just making what we pay them to make. In fact Apple is know to stand up for privacy more than other manufacturers when it comes to releasing info to the government with or without court orders, they've fought it before.

If you're the paranoid type technology is not your friend.


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