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Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Jon Eulette
james r chapman
Ray Dash
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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by CrankyThunder 11/3/2019, 6:35 am

Anybody using Aguila 22 Standard Velocity Ammo?

I have noticed a few boxes of Aguila on the firing line and noticed that a case price is about $60.00 cheaper then CCI SV.  

Anybody done a side by side comparison?

Thank you, 

Last edited by CrankyThunder on 11/6/2019, 3:43 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : misspellings added to verify authorship by engineer)

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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by Dr.Don 11/3/2019, 8:13 am

Cranky, this post has a couple of 50yd groups with Aguila and CCI.  Shot with a Pardini in a Ransom Rest.


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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by Ray Dash 11/3/2019, 8:31 am

We tried a bunch of different Aguila and it grouped better than the CCI but had a lot of FTE's. We didn't chrono any of it but from the sound we could tell that some sounded like they were under charged while others sounded like they were double charged. It is also extremely dirty compared to the CCI. I have a bunch just sitting collecting dust that I will probably save for my bolt action rifle.
Ray Dash
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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by CrankyThunder 11/3/2019, 8:59 am

Dear Dr. Don:

Thank you very much, I must of missed that thread when I searched.  Looks like it will suffice as a practice ammo and possibly a replacement.  I will try it out extensivly before using it in a match. 

Dear Ray Dash:  Thank you for your input, I will watch to see if I get the same results.  Will dig my Chrono out and see what I get.  Appreciate the additional information.  

For what it is worth, I snagged a couple cases of eley target during the great obama ammo shortage and found that it was not suitable for matches because it did not have the horsepower to cycle the pardini when the weather was cold.  

Thanks again guys and if anybody has additional data, I would appreciate it. 


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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by Guest 11/3/2019, 9:51 am


I have exclusively used Eley Target for competitions since I got my Pardini HP22 in about June. Don't recall having any alibi's or problems with it during that time. I practised with Federal blue box (no problems - but my feeling was that the groups were not as tight as the Eley) till I used up that stash a month or so ago and am now burning through a stash of Agulla Super Extra - it is much dirtier and produces more smoke, with an occasional FTE. I will not buy more when I've finished this lot.


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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by Wobbley 11/3/2019, 10:16 am

I tried a couple of different iterations of Aguila. Would not function reliably in my 41. Mostly FTE. I used it up in my revolver. There are better brands IMO.

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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by CrankyThunder 11/3/2019, 2:06 pm

Dear Radjag:

In my winter league, we have our guns and ammo set in the truck all day in sub zero weather.  then we bring them inside for the match and when the outside temperature is below 40 degrees, I start getting malfunctions in my pardini whereas the bolt is not pushed back far enough to eject the spent case or pick up the next round.  Course when it gets below zero this problem is magnified and a number of other shooters had this problems when they took advantage of the sudden appearance of Eley Target at that time.

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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by james r chapman 11/3/2019, 2:14 pm

talk to Tony H, he uses GECO rifle and semi-auto in his euro guns without incident and its cheaper.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by jglenn21 11/3/2019, 2:29 pm

my personal rule on any new 22 is to take one box of every ammo I have and try it.. use what the pistol likes.

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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by Guest 11/3/2019, 2:34 pm

Ah - sub-zero weather - not my cup of tea! It rarely gets down to freezing even at night here in Southern Oregon when I'm here from mid-March till mid-November. I evacuate to even warmer climes during the winter (but can only use an air pistol when there). 

I've got one more all 22 indoor 2700 to do just before I leave. When I was up at the last one in Portland a week ago the parked cars had ice on them in the morning. I will try to remember to bring both gun AND ammo indoors at night next time.

Thanks for the advice.


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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by jscot111 11/3/2019, 3:59 pm

I have shot the Aguila 22 Super Extra SV and am very pleased with it.  Outside in the mid forty's with zero alibis.
I also love the smell. My batch is Aquila primed.


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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by CO1Mtn 11/5/2019, 2:58 am

I shoot both out of my Nelson conversion. I can't tell any difference in functionality or ammo accuracy.


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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by Larry2520 11/5/2019, 6:31 pm

I ran some Aguilla sv and it shot well. It was ely primed. Different guns favor different ammo so if you're serious you need to try several brands and figure out what yours likes.


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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by james r chapman 11/5/2019, 6:42 pm

eley primed is NOS, is now Aguila Primed.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by Jon Eulette 11/5/2019, 7:04 pm

I use the Aguila for function firing and practice ammo. I've had too many light charges to trust it in a match. I've literally had blooper 50 yd shots with it barely making the 5 ring. CCI has been very good to me. Functions in 99% of the pistols I shoot or test.
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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by 243winxb 11/5/2019, 8:37 pm

Aguila 22 Super Extra SV,   light charges that dont eject in my High Standard. 

Cci std vel works fine. 

Edit/add- Cleaned gun. Aquila runs ok now.   But still feels like there are some lite ones.

Last edited by 243winxb on 11/14/2019, 6:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Add info)

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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by 30calfun 11/14/2019, 5:28 pm

I've shot 2 cases of Aguila SE SV through a Hammerli 208s with no problems. I've also shot it through a Model 41, a Marvel conversion, and a Kart conversion, all with great accuracy and no problems. I've cleaned targets with it and it shoots as well as CCI. I just bought another case and so far it's doing great also. It's slightly hotter than CCI (1070 fps for CCI and 1130 fps for Aquila). The difference in velocity helps out on colder days, when CCI won't run the gun but Aguila will.


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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by Al W. 12/11/2019, 9:59 pm

I shoot Aguila SESV in my rifles.
Have stuck with CCI SV for the little matches I shoot at my club.
The batches of Aguila I've gotten have worked well.
I've shot some very good 25 yd bench rest USBR targets using Aguila indoors.
A good practice ammo.
Al W.
Al W.

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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by bruce martindale 12/12/2019, 9:25 am

It seems that production of almost everything is variable so test and see for yourself. They did change manufacturing processes recently so results with old lots may not be valid now.

I had used over 10 cases of it and won the '06 Std pistol Nationals with it. It was on the upper range of size tolerance and didn't function in the 41 but it was superb ammo. Now? I can't say.

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Aguila SV vs CCI SV Empty Re: Aguila SV vs CCI SV

Post by patch175 12/17/2019, 6:00 am

I shoot older Mdl 41s (has cocking indicator) - 2 frames & 3 barrels . FWIT in my guns, during an Aug. test this year, I found that CCI 0035 (paper box) shot a 2" group @ 50 yds from a RR with occasional FTE, No FTF. CCI 0032 (100 rnd plastic box) shot 0.9" - 1.1" groups from a RR @ 50 yds with no FTE or FTF. I did the same test with the same guns about 12 years ago with the same results. At that time, Lapua was the only ammo I found that was slightly better than CCI 0032 in my 41s.

I have been using Agulia in house for casual 50' matches for the last 2 months. I have had an occasional FTE. Similar frequency to what I find with CCI 0035. I like the price of Agulia vs CCI 0035. A $185 case of Aguila will be on order in January for practice and in house matches. My CCI 0032 will be saved for 2700s.

Just my 2 cents


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