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Post by impalanut 11/18/2019, 8:22 pm

I have been shooting for about three months and have fired about 4500 rounds through my s&w model 41. I took my wife to the range for the first time. She has never fired a gun before. Warmed up shooting 25y slow fire targets at 5 yards. gradually moved back to 25 yds. Although firing two handed, in her first string of timed fire she shot 256. I think I will go to coaching and have her shoot the tournaments. When I asked her how it felt to shoot, she said what's so hard. Line up the target with the sights and pull the trigger slowly. Gotta love it. Hopefully I will get her to go to the range more often.
Just a quip for those interested.


Posts : 110
Join date : 2019-08-25

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first 900 today Empty Re: first 900 today

Post by CR10X 11/18/2019, 8:28 pm

The hand, finger, eye, gun and ammo can usually shoot 9's and 10's pretty consistently.  

It's the shooter's brains that generally make shooting 9's and 10's hard......

Congrats on giving your wife an enjoyable experience - at the range!   Wink



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Join date : 2011-06-17
Location : NC

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