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How do you adjust the S&W 41 safety?

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How do you adjust the S&W 41 safety? Empty How do you adjust the S&W 41 safety?

Post by Jack H 11/28/2019, 1:08 am

I do not mean the spring clicks on the side.  I mean the pin that snugs against the back of the sear.  One of my 41  has the pin stop hard before it engages the back of the sear.  I think it might be hitting at the fat part of the pin next to the lever part. I do not look forward to so much disassembly to confirm, but is it  acceptable to reduce the pin at that point?
Jack H
Jack H

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How do you adjust the S&W 41 safety? Empty Re: How do you adjust the S&W 41 safety?

Post by kc.crawford.7 11/28/2019, 6:54 am

Jack you could try bending the leg, arm, pin whatever you want to call it to give just a bit more clearance on the sear.  So when you put the safety on it still blocks the sear from moving, but moves smoother.

FWIW, I've never heard of or seen this kind of problem before.

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