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Non corrosive CMP headstamps from CMP

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Non corrosive CMP headstamps from CMP Empty Non corrosive CMP headstamps from CMP

Post by saltydog452 12/3/2019, 2:59 pm

Somewhere I have seen a list of G.I. Ball '06 that were loaded using corrosive primers.  I have tried to find it again but no joy.

I'd imagine there are some Service Rifle shooters who can share a list of the non corrosive Service CMP ammunition.  If so, can you post or PM those lot numbers?  Thanks.

I know that all black tip ammunition with a headstamp prior to 1955 should be considered to have corrosive primers.


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Join date : 2013-04-13

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Non corrosive CMP headstamps from CMP Empty Re: Non corrosive CMP headstamps from CMP

Post by cdrt 12/3/2019, 4:06 pm

Here you go.

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Join date : 2016-04-12
Location : Amarillo, Texas

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