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wadgun alturnatives

Steve B
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wadgun alturnatives - Page 2 Empty wadgun alturnatives

Post by urbanm84 1/22/2013, 6:27 am

First topic message reminder :


I am new to 1911’s. also new (1yr) of handgun shooting. But
jumping in with both feet trailing and at speed. My friend, distinguished rifle
and pistol, got me into bullseye shooting. I love the task of the precision of
the game. I also am a tool&die maker by trade, so the two go together..I

I’m want to get a LB
wadcutter 1.5 slide mount
ultradot finished in


I do not know if I can even order one like that. And do not
know how I will stand the wait for one to be built. Any input on how long this
might take?

I would be open to a
P2 with 1.5 option, iron sights for now IF I could send it back to LB for a
slide mount if that could be done, AND how long would that take to have this
change done. Would I start at the back of the new gun line, or will the
turnaround be quicker? Where to get one.

I know I may never be able to shoot up to this guns ability,
but I also want it because of it’s very precise fit and finish….see diemaker.
It may be the last good gun I can afford.

Please school me on
all the alternatives’ that I do not know about yet. Again


Slide mount

Fit & finish

Wait time




Posts : 33
Join date : 2012-12-30
Age : 68
Location : Comstock Park Michigan

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wadgun alturnatives - Page 2 Empty Re: wadgun alturnatives

Post by Jack H 1/24/2013, 1:06 pm

Wes Lorenz wrote:
Jack H wrote: Looks don't shoot.

Ann Does! Very Happy

She is like in her 70s now and probably uses a dot.
Jack H
Jack H

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wadgun alturnatives - Page 2 Empty Re: wadgun alturnatives

Post by Dave C. 1/24/2013, 1:49 pm

When I get my guns rebuilt my Smith asks if I want them refinished.
And I ask, Will it shoot better?

Dave C.
Dave C.
Dave C.

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Join date : 2011-06-13

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wadgun alturnatives - Page 2 Empty Re: wadgun alturnatives

Post by jakuda 1/24/2013, 2:27 pm

Recoil spring weight can help control how hard (or the change in momentum) the slide will cycle...but yes shooting a lot of military 45 match hardball ammo can be um....tiring to say the least.


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Join date : 2011-07-07
Age : 42
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