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CMP bulk Eley unreliable?

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CMP bulk Eley unreliable? Empty CMP bulk Eley unreliable?

Post by bruce martindale 12/10/2019, 7:56 am

I have some of this and I am getting one or two light charge rounds that barely or malfunction and one or two that are duds. On par with Remington roulette.

What's your experience?

Could very well be why it's bulked out to CMP.

And it isn't specific to one gun.


bruce martindale

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CMP bulk Eley unreliable? Empty Re: CMP bulk Eley unreliable?

Post by jglenn21 12/10/2019, 10:04 am

I bought some of the original standard from the CMP and have had zero issues with mine in a smith 41

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CMP bulk Eley unreliable? Empty Re: CMP bulk Eley unreliable?

Post by Oleg G 12/10/2019, 10:17 am

For me it has been 100% reliable in my .22 conversion. However, I had a few light strikes with my AW93. Probably 3-4 out of 500 rounds or so. Yet, they shot on the second try. The jury is still out for me. I am using this ammo in matches for the short line.

Oleg G
Oleg G

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CMP bulk Eley unreliable? Empty Re: CMP bulk Eley unreliable?

Post by chopper 12/10/2019, 12:44 pm

I've had good luck with it in my High Standard Victor and Nelson. Out of about 3 cases around 12,500 rounds, I've had 3 that would not go off. I've that much trouble with 2 bricks of CCI SV, Aguila has been a problem too. I really make sure my chamber is clean in my 22s because I've had failure to feed problems in both guns before and even with the CMP stuff, but once the chambers are cleaned those same rounds worked perfectly.


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CMP bulk Eley unreliable? Empty Re: CMP bulk Eley unreliable?

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