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What about ammo?

Jack H
Marine Shooter
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What about ammo? Empty What about ammo?

Post by Marine Shooter 1/25/2013, 1:21 am

I always see people talking about the guns they should get if they can afford it or are on a limited budget. But rarely do I see questions about the type of ammo to use or buy. Now we all know that each gun has different tastes for ammo.

For example, My Ruger MarkII Govt target loves CCI SV. Never had a missfire, FTF or FTE. Never used anything but CCI SV.

What do you guys use on your guns?

Marine Shooter

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What about ammo? Empty Re: What about ammo?

Post by Jack H 1/25/2013, 3:15 am

Rugers I have use most all low price good ammo like the CCI SV, Aguila SV, Eley Sport purple. These three seem to be the only often available decent cheap ammo. I don't have much trouble from Remington SV, or T22. I have not seen any reason to step up in price and alleged accuracy. Eley sport probably is my best of the three.

A Volquartsen extractor and a little mag work gives me high confidence in MkII with most all ammos.

Other guns pretty much the same. If it will cycle, SK and Wolf, are a good choice. 208 gets mostly Eley sport and real Eley Target most of the time
Jack H
Jack H

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What about ammo? Empty Re: What about ammo?

Post by ddivins 1/25/2013, 7:34 am

I use CCI Standard Velocity in my AW93. No issues.


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What about ammo? Empty Re: What about ammo?

Post by Yiogo 1/25/2013, 6:41 pm

My Mark III does not like the CCI SV. It likes Federal Target. I can't find it in today's world. I'm hoping my new 22/45 will. Jawge

Last edited by Yiogo on 2/1/2013, 1:06 am; edited 1 time in total


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What about ammo? Empty Re: What about ammo?

Post by AllAces 1/26/2013, 9:04 am

Most of the advice you hear regarding bullseye ammo selection follows two threads:

For rimfire, buy hundred round boxes of as many types of ammo as commonly found in your area. Spend enough time at the range to determine how each performs in your pistol. Keep good notes. You need to be concerned about both accuracy and reliability. For most Ruger MK IIs, CCI Std Vel seems to work well, however, there are many devoted to Eley.

Owners of S&W Model 41's typically say their guns are much more finicky, with feed reliability the main issue.

Here's a link to a comparison of 55 types of rimfire ammo. It is somewhat dated, and used a rifle at 50, 75 and 100 yards, but has lots of good info.


As for centerfire and .45 ammo for bullseye ......... I recommend that if you don't handload now, start. Find what load works and stick with it. However, you can buy centerfire ammo that is loaded specifically for bullseye. NSK is one source.


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What about ammo? Empty Re: What about ammo?

Post by Virgil Kane 1/29/2013, 10:31 am

I have used this chart to find ammo for my finicky S&W 41. I just match the stats from CCI Standard velocity which my 41 loves to other ammo from different manufacturers. So far it's worked like a charm and I have had no bad experiences when testing ammo chosen this way.


I used the muzzlwe energy table to match other 22 ammo to the CCI SV. It's worked every time!


Virgil Kane

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What about ammo? Empty Re: What about ammo?

Post by DeweyHales 1/31/2013, 11:28 am

My Marvel prefers CCI SV. The second came with an Eley Signum test target. It will get fed CCI SV as well.

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What about ammo? Empty Re: What about ammo?

Post by jakuda 1/31/2013, 11:58 am

My test target with the Marvel was Eley Target (yellow box), however it shoots only slightly larger groups with CCI SV. The difference during handheld shooting is not noticeable to a [normal human] shooter.


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What about ammo? Empty Re: What about ammo?

Post by Jack H 1/31/2013, 12:17 pm

Recall my AA conversion tested off the Ransom as expected with Eley, Aguila, and a few others as expected. Eley was 3/4-1". Midprice ammo 1.25-1.5. But greentag was 4-5". All at 50yds. I repeated and got the same.
Jack H
Jack H

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