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What Pardini to buy?

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What Pardini to buy? Empty What Pardini to buy?

Post by smsnyder 12/26/2019, 10:43 am

They make a 5 inch and a 6 inch. Also a rapid fire model? Thanks 22 caliber


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What Pardini to buy? Empty Re: What Pardini to buy?

Post by zanemoseley 12/26/2019, 11:26 am

There's no way I'd go with a 6" unless you're a fan of front heavy pistols. You don't need the extra velocity so only other advantage would be a longer sight radius with irons, if you're planning on shooting a dot it's a wash.


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What Pardini to buy? Empty Re: What Pardini to buy?

Post by CrankyThunder 12/26/2019, 5:17 pm

Dear smsnyder:

I would recommend the short barrel based on my experiences.  

I shoot in a winter indoor league that is infested with pardini shooters (myself included).  One of the teams used pardini exclusively and was actually featured on the Pardini USA website for a period of time.  

When Pardini came out with the longer barrels with the front weaver mount and the even longer barrel with the compensator, we were all chomping at the bit to get one to try it out and see what it would do.  

Well, a couple of shooter got the longer barrel and I had the opportunity to try it out on my pardini, a 2013 bullseye edition.  What I determined from my testing is that I shot lower scores with the longer barrel.  The reason that I figure is that with the longer barrel, the bullet has a longer time in the barrel such that a shot delivery with a imperfect trigger pull will throw the bullet farther out, IE a 8 with a short barrel will be a 6 with a longer barrel.  This was confirmed with the other shooters, from sharpshooters up to masters.  I see a lot of pardinis on the firing line but very few with the longer barrels.  

Do not get the compensator either, they are a pain to keep clean and really do not add anything to the comfort or recovery of the shot.  


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What Pardini to buy? Empty Re: What Pardini to buy?

Post by smsnyder 12/26/2019, 5:44 pm

Thanks guys


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What Pardini to buy? Empty Re: What Pardini to buy?

Post by James Hensler 12/26/2019, 7:37 pm

I shoot the 6 inch Bullseye
I chose it for a few reasons 
People will say it’s nose or front half heavy and then they put on weights on their Hammerli’s or other pistols. 
I shoot in Florida and up in Camp Perry and the wind is always blowing. The extra weight helps a whole bunch in the wind. 
It might not look pretty but mounting the RedDot out on the rail makes finding the dot and follow up shots a breeze 
I think the extra inch with the 32 conversion helps with accuracy and that’s a big deal for what I am doing. I finished 6th on the big board of all shooters at Perry this year. 

I would buy another I like it that much
James Hensler
James Hensler

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What Pardini to buy? Empty Re: What Pardini to buy?

Post by mpolans 12/29/2019, 6:21 am

Even sight radius. isn’t really an advantage. The design of the Pardini sight is such that the sight radius is artificially short. You could have a front sight custom made to extend to the max allowable sight radius for EIC matches (IIRC, 10”) and it wouldn’t extend past the muzzle. Just imagine if the triangle shaped front sight were instead a simple post or Patridge style closer to the end of the muzzle. The could probably be made for fairly cheap, too.


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What Pardini to buy? Empty Re: What Pardini to buy?

Post by smsnyder 1/1/2020, 7:04 pm

Yep I bought a par weenie. Crankster help me alot with my decision .


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Location : Pittsburgh Pa

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