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High Standard Type Pistols and Parts

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High Standard Type Pistols and Parts - Page 2 Empty High Standard Type Pistols and Parts

Post by alaronstein 1/1/2020, 2:27 pm

First topic message reminder :

I would like to announce that Interarms and OFM Corp have finally completed their moves back into the High Standard Texas Facility. The plant is up and running !!! The core original Gunsmith/Machinists are working in their original positions. These people have been working for High Standard or Interarms for between 20 and 25 years. I trained them to be Machinists and Gunsmiths. Bob Shea schooled them in the FINE Points of Building and Repairing High Standard Pistols of ALL Types. We are NOW able to increase production in the "X-Series" Pistols and Parts. I have noticed a few questions about the longevity on the Company. These Gunsmiths are in their late 30s to middle 40s. The returning Office staff is in the same age range. These workers are ALL brothers and cousins. I expect to have our two 2nd generation workers  return later this year(maybe). I am building the company for them and the loyal High Standard Customers that date back to the 1930s. I plan to work for 3 to 5 more years and then become a consultant to the Company. The Pistols and Parts are made to the Conn High Standard Specifications with a FEW Improvements: 1) Changes in the Magazines 2) NON Cracking frames (and Note that we ARE warranting any HS Frame against cracking that was mfgd between 1993 and 2014 in TX) 3) Barrel Accuracy 4) Teflon Finish on Match Pistols. It should also be noted that we are manufacturing even MORE obsolete parts back to 1932 that are made CORRECTLY!!! - Alan Aronstein


Posts : 201
Join date : 2019-07-04

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High Standard Type Pistols and Parts - Page 2 Empty Re: High Standard Type Pistols and Parts

Post by Wes Lorenz 1/7/2020, 6:58 pm

I like these mounts: open then scroll down to the various HS mounts.


Wes Lorenz

Posts : 468
Join date : 2011-06-27
Location : Washington

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High Standard Type Pistols and Parts - Page 2 Empty Re: High Standard Type Pistols and Parts

Post by alaronstein 1/15/2020, 8:58 am

All of the Houston Built High Standard  "X- Series" Barrels are Drilled and Tapped. The hole pattern is that of the High Standard Victor Pistol. You can use the Traditional High Standard Vent Rib with Sights, the current IAC/High Standard Base, or Various other Bases(i.e.- BME). If youhave any questions, please call @ 713-476-0888.- Alan Aronstein


Posts : 201
Join date : 2019-07-04

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High Standard Type Pistols and Parts - Page 2 Empty Re: High Standard Type Pistols and Parts

Post by Wes Lorenz 1/15/2020, 3:10 pm

Hi Alan,
I have one of your Victor's from the 90's. Like others have said; it's barrel is more accurate than the Conn. barrels. If I was young and beginning to shoot BE it would be my first purchase, they just work!
Thanks for all of the 100's!

Wes Lorenz

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Join date : 2011-06-27
Location : Washington

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High Standard Type Pistols and Parts - Page 2 Empty Re: High Standard Type Pistols and Parts

Post by alaronstein 1/24/2020, 1:12 pm

I was NOT able to attend the Shot Show. One of my Camp Perry Bldg Partners fielded inquires for me. As a result, I will be offering a courtesy DISCOUNT of $50.00 for payment on the amount that the dealers charge for accepting and transferring the High Standard (TM)"X- Series" Pistols. Also remember that, The Shipping is paid by Interarms. Thanks to our loyal customers for your continued support!!!- Alan Aronstein


Posts : 201
Join date : 2019-07-04

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