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WST - is there something wrong here

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WST - is there something wrong here Empty WST - is there something wrong here

Post by straybrit 1/5/2020, 3:34 pm

Opened a new 8lb of WST (well, a couple of years old - but previously unopened) to load my 45. In the match I got a lot of variable loads. Finally got around to investigating this (again - see previous posts on the matter) and I note that there are black 'lumps' in the what I expected to be a uniformly grey powder.  I suspect that this is the cause of the issues I'm seeing - but frankly I have no real idea. Anyone got any input on this?


WST - is there something wrong here Img_2010
WST - is there something wrong here Img_2011


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WST - is there something wrong here Empty Re: WST - is there something wrong here

Post by TonyH 1/5/2020, 4:32 pm

Try sending those pics to the manufacturer and see what they say.

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WST - is there something wrong here Empty Re: WST - is there something wrong here

Post by SteveT 1/5/2020, 9:40 pm

That's not right. +1 contact mfg.

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WST - is there something wrong here Empty Re: WST - is there something wrong here

Post by Mike38 1/5/2020, 9:44 pm

I started using WST recently, still on my first one pound can. Goes a long ways with 1.4 grain loads in a .32. Anyhow, I did notice some of the flakes are black but no lumps, but evenly distributed. I do however, mix up my powder before each use. I slowly roll the can back and forth over the bench, hold at a 45 degree angle and turn it in my hands. This could be what evenly distributes the black flakes. I've been "mixing up" powder like this for years. It may not be necessary, I think I read it somewhere.

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WST - is there something wrong here Empty Re: WST - is there something wrong here

Post by straybrit 1/6/2020, 10:42 am

Hogdon/IMR/Winchester contacted - let's see if they get back to me.


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WST - is there something wrong here Empty Re: WST - is there something wrong here

Post by bruce martindale 1/6/2020, 11:15 am

Maybe I am not seeing all the samples but there isn't much black in this lot. Is it that way straight from the oem can, and you hadn't dumped any from a measure back into the can?

bruce martindale

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WST - is there something wrong here Empty Re: WST - is there something wrong here

Post by straybrit 1/6/2020, 11:28 am

Yup - right from the jug.  The one in the measuring pan is a check load (i.e. run a few through and check each one before actually putting bullets in the case) of 2.7g WST. That's a lot of black for very little powder. It's 2.7 because I was going to use up the small primers in the tube on 38s before switching over.


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WST - is there something wrong here Empty Re: WST - is there something wrong here

Post by bruce martindale 1/6/2020, 12:35 pm

Oh l see the jug now. Wow.

bruce martindale

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WST - is there something wrong here Empty Re: WST - is there something wrong here

Post by straybrit 1/8/2020, 10:13 pm

Annnnd - the manufacturer got back to me. Apparently the powder 'granules' have a graphite coating - which basically 'clumps' if left too long. The answer is basically shake it until they all break up.



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WST - is there something wrong here Empty Re: WST - is there something wrong here

Post by teg2658 1/9/2020, 3:56 pm

In the early 90s I bought a 8# keg of WST, 10K WW large pistol primers all the same lot, and several 1000 packs of Nosler 185 JHP. Did this so my 50 yard loads would be the same for many years. I still have some of that WST, just took a look at it and it has not changed, looks the same as when I bought it, no break down, no seperation, no color change, etc.
 Just some food for thought.
Tom Ginovsky
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WST - is there something wrong here Empty Re: WST - is there something wrong here

Post by Jack H 1/10/2020, 1:37 am

Dad and I used to shoot at 1000 yards with magnums.  We bought 3 100# kegs of the old surplus 4831.  Never had a problem with it over many years time. 

300 Wby, 378 Wby, 7 mag, and 338 Win.  7 mag did the best.  Both 7 Wby and the Remington
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