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GSP .32 questions

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GSP .32 questions  - Page 2 Empty GSP .32 questions

Post by lablover Wed Jan 08, 2020 9:17 pm

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GSP expert .32 Smith & Wesson long wadcutter

Is she a capable contender and 50 yards?  Seems reloading can be a challenge as well especially with a Dillon 650.

Obviously only wad cutter Bullets.  Those shooting this any load recommendations? Brass , powder etc.

In the research stage .  Not interested in buying new barrels for a new gun.  marksman right now so keep that in mind.  Shot one the other day and really enjoyed it

Edit:  earls dot rail or champions choice rail?  Not sure what or if there is any difference 

Thanks all

Last edited by lablover on Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 1275
Join date : 2015-07-30
Location : Michigan

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GSP .32 questions  - Page 2 Empty Re: GSP .32 questions

Post by fc60 Thu Jan 09, 2020 11:34 pm

lablover wrote:Before I say this be advised I have not read every single post on the BE forum yet on this topic.

Why couldn’t a cast mold be made for the correct diameter bullet?  I’m assuming cast Bullets are not favored.

My Nephew own a machine shop and see no reason he could make dies, or whatever a  Be shooter could need for .32 I just don’t know enough about .32 yet to know what to ask for

If you cast your own bullets, great. RCBS makes a very nice mould for the 32 S&W Long. I believe it is the 32-98-WC. I have one and it produces nice round bullets.

Experiment with the alloy to see which fouls the barrel least. Some popular choices are 20:1 Lead:Tin and Linotype.

Size the bullets the same as the "as cast" diameter. That is, if the bullet falls out of the mould at 0.315" use a 0.315" greaser die to apply the grease and gently true the bullet up.

The concern with cast bullets is uniformity. If you cast your own, quality control is YOU. The best way to check cast bullets is to measure them with a good micrometer. This will reveal any that are oversize (mould did not close fully) or undersize (mould did not fill out properly). It also shows if the alignment pins are doing a good job and the bullet actually measures round (within 0.0005").

A lot of work, yes. The benefits are accurate bullets that go where you call them.



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Location : South Prairie, WA 98385

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GSP .32 questions  - Page 2 Empty Re: GSP .32 questions

Post by Fezzik68 Fri Jan 10, 2020 12:00 am

Thanks, I will swap out the crimp die this weekend.


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Join date : 2019-08-20

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GSP .32 questions  - Page 2 Empty Re: GSP .32 questions

Post by lablover Fri Jan 10, 2020 12:02 am

fc60 wrote:
lablover wrote:Before I say this be advised I have not read every single post on the BE forum yet on this topic.

Why couldn’t a cast mold be made for the correct diameter bullet?  I’m assuming cast Bullets are not favored.

My Nephew own a machine shop and see no reason he could make dies, or whatever a  Be shooter could need for .32 I just don’t know enough about .32 yet to know what to ask for

If you cast your own bullets, great. RCBS makes a very nice mould for the 32 S&W Long. I believe it is the 32-98-WC. I have one and it produces nice round bullets.

Experiment with the alloy to see which fouls the barrel least. Some popular choices are 20:1 Lead:Tin and Linotype.

Size the bullets the same as the "as cast" diameter. That is, if the bullet falls out of the mould at 0.315" use a 0.315" greaser die to apply the grease and gently true the bullet up.

The concern with cast bullets is uniformity. If you cast your own, quality control is YOU. The best way to check cast bullets is to measure them with a good micrometer. This will reveal any that are oversize (mould did not close fully) or undersize (mould did not fill out properly). It also shows if the alignment pins are doing a good job and the bullet actually measures round (within 0.0005").

A lot of work, yes. The benefits are accurate bullets that go where you call them.


That is very good news!

Btw, pm on the way

Thank you so much

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Join date : 2015-07-30
Location : Michigan

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