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Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye?

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Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye? Empty Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye?

Post by mikemyers 1/10/2020, 5:26 am

They've changed this product quite a bit since I looked at it a year ago.  Two questions....

Has anyone see it in action?

Is it useful for Bullseye, to watch what you're doing from right above your right or left glasses?


Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye? Screen74

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Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye? Empty Re: Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye?

Post by TonyH 1/10/2020, 6:41 am

The cool factor is surely huge.....the usefulness for BE probably needs to be defined by the individual based on for what and when it's used. My two cents...lots of gadgets out there....plenty of Masters and High Masters out there that didn't need them.Neutral
I like to use my eyes to watch what I am doing...although it's harder as the years go by.Very Happy

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Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye? Empty Re: Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye?

Post by SteveT 1/10/2020, 7:55 am

No. cameras mounted on glasses nose or arm are too far off center to see sight alignment.

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Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye? Empty Re: Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye?

Post by dronning 1/10/2020, 8:22 am

SteveT wrote:No. cameras mounted on glasses nose or arm are too far off center to see sight alignment.
My guess is the only help would be to see if you are anticipating (flinching) on the shot.  Also in slow fire if you kept track of each shot you could compare the recording and maybe pick up something.  A $199 GoPro Hero7 with a head mount would do that as well, it would be more off center but would still work to pick up anomalies. Plus it has 100's more uses.
- Dave

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Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye? Empty Re: Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye?

Post by Wobbley 1/10/2020, 11:56 am

This guy uses it in creating his videos.  So you can see what you will likely get...


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Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye? Empty Re: Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye?

Post by jlow 1/10/2020, 8:38 pm

I agree with dronning's GoPro comparison.  

One other thing to remember is the OP glasses/camera setup will be heavy due to the presence of both the camera and battery - both of which will be sitting on your ear and nose...

The GoPro Hero5 Session is probably the smallest/lightest high quality camera which can be directly affixed to the bill of your hat with velco which is the least obtrusive.


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Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye? Empty Re: Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye?

Post by SteveT 1/11/2020, 10:00 am

I took another look at this and the ability to move the camera over just above the eye might make it useful. The sights will be offset up, so vertical alignment may be difficult to see, but side-to-side should be ok and if you can see the sights or dot as they show in their promo videos, then you can see any movement as the trigger breaks.

I think something like this will be more useful for dryfiring. I think there will be too much movement to see trigger problems when live firing. It could be useful in sustained fire to identify if the shooter is moving their position, especially head position changes over the string of 5 shots.

Something like the Aimpoint camera would be better than a GoPro. Any GoPro will be much bigger so it will be further away from the eye (and sight alignment) and it will be MUCH heavier.

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Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye? Empty Re: Aimcam - is it useful for Bullseye?

Post by jlow 1/11/2020, 5:27 pm

The GoPro Hero5 Session only weights 2.6oz compared to the Hero 5 Black which weights 4.2oz.  Also much smaller and can be directly mounted on a hat bill without any mount using velco.  See here:



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