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Volquartsen lefty Mark II rubber grips

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Volquartsen lefty Mark II rubber grips Empty Volquartsen lefty Mark II rubber grips

Post by Russ OR Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:36 pm

getting hard to find - - https://www.ebay.com/p/883256607  

I have XL hands
I shoot right handed - on my Ruger Mark II I have modified right hand Volquartsen rubber grips.
NOw-Sore right shoulder-decided to do try left hand shooting. - Looked for left hand V'n rubber grips. At any reasonable price they're hard to find? Ordered these($29.99).

ps - the inside bottom of Volquartsen rubber grips sometimes need some material removed so the magazine can seat.

Russ OR

Posts : 269
Join date : 2011-06-10
Location : Oregon City, OR

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