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Elections for the NRA Board of Directors

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Elections for the NRA Board of Directors - Page 2 Empty Elections for the NRA Board of Directors

Post by ted.carter.568 1/22/2020, 2:09 pm

First topic message reminder :

Attention NRA 5-year members and NRA Life members

The 2020 Board of Director election ballots are in your February NRA Publications (Rifleman, Hunter, 1st Freedom)

Thanks to the many individuals who circulated petitions for my nomination.  Over 1000 signatures were submitted to the NRA.

I'd be honored to have your vote, and if elected, I'll do my very best to continue supporting our community of Bullseye shooters and all competitive shooters.

There are only a handful of NRA Board members who have and continue to actively work to promote and support competitive shooting in the NRA.

Please consider Howard "Walt" Walter and Patricia Clark, along with myself, and new candidate Todd Ellis when casting your vote.

There are many great candidates.  Take the time to read the candidate information printed in your NRA publication.

Please encourage your fellow competitive shooters and NRA members, eligible to vote, to cast their ballots.

Thanks for your consideration.


Ted Carter


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Elections for the NRA Board of Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: Elections for the NRA Board of Directors

Post by OldShooter43 1/26/2020, 6:13 am

I've been a Life member since 1966 and worked my way up to the Benefactor level about 5 years ago.  If memory serves me at this point, I've probably voted for directors about half of the time overall and every time in the past 10 years. In my view, the problem in the NRA is primarily in the upper levels of management.  There are eleven "highly paid, key employees" (including W. LaPierre) listed on the NRA's Form 990 that was submitted to the IRS in 2017 - the 2018 Form 990 isn't available yet. There's where the power lies.  Having 76 BoD members is an absurd number for any corporation and many of them attend very few meetings during the year.  That leads to the potential for "proxy harvesting".
     I'll take Ted Carter's list of nominees as a starting point and add Mark Vaughan.  I'm assuming that "Deep State NRA" means been there too long and too loyal to WLP.  Aside from that, I'm a big advocate for term limits.


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Location : Williamsburg, VA

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Elections for the NRA Board of Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: Elections for the NRA Board of Directors

Post by gasixgunner 1/26/2020, 2:51 pm

I personally know Ted Carter. He is a man of impeccable integrity and is of very high character. Ted attends most if not all NRA board meetings and is a very caring voice in our shooting sports especially precision pistol. He has my vote and I would encourage all of you to also vote for Ted. Ted and his wife Sue are both competitors. Sue is very involved in the Women on Target program. They both are class acts.


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Elections for the NRA Board of Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: Elections for the NRA Board of Directors

Post by mikemargolis 2/5/2020, 2:43 pm

REConley wrote:Ted, in reply to the request for support let me point out an issue or two. Per a 2013 lifestyle survey 93 million Americans own guns. Since that time gun ownership has increased and the NRA membership claim of 5 million members has been stagnant. With new gun owners we could estimate 95 million owners today which would mean the NRA represents one in nineteen. 1/19th is a failure grade  any way you slice it. The leadership of the NRA has been focused on the same message for the last 30 years and it is a failure. Why would we want to support individuals that are incapable of realizing that the executive staff does not have 30 years of experience, rather they have one year of experience 30 times over.

I am one of those. I am a former member of the NRA, and I will not join again until such time as $2m/year, $200k clothing budget WLP is gone.

(By the way, I work in luxury goods, and must dress properly for every meeting, I am literally judged by my clothes, car, hotel etc... This kind of budget is preposterous. $2000/suit, $100/shirt, $100/tie, $500/shoes all 5x year round up to $20,000 and he is 10x that, which is a joke)

Would love to support an organization that is relevant (I am a member of USA Shooting), but will continue to avoid the NRA as long as they continue on the current path.


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Elections for the NRA Board of Directors - Page 2 Empty Re: Elections for the NRA Board of Directors

Post by joy2shoot 3/11/2020, 5:46 pm

Reminder, ballot must be received by the NRA by March 29.  Also, do not vote for more than 31 names.  Do not vote for Jeffery W Hague because he dropped out the race after the ballot was printed.  The write up that came with the ballot also says John Thodos has also dropped, but I do not see his name on the ballot.

p.s. You must put postage on the envelope.  It is not prepaid.  And you must sign the back of the envelope to validate it is you voting.


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Location : North Carolina

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