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32 ACP in S&W 16-4

james r chapman
Steve K
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32 ACP in S&W 16-4 Empty 32 ACP in S&W 16-4

Post by Steve K 1/22/2020, 10:20 pm

Has anyone shot 32 ACP in a S&W 16-4 for Bullseye? I hear a lot of talk about the 32 ACP for the long line and I am wondering if it has been tried.

Steve K

Posts : 193
Join date : 2015-11-09

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32 ACP in S&W 16-4 Empty Re: 32 ACP in S&W 16-4

Post by Guest 1/22/2020, 10:32 pm

I started a thread on this same issue in May 2019:-
And more recently asked about long line loads for my 16-4:-
The problem is extracting ACP brass from the cylinder - it seemed to me that an easier solution is just to create JHP loads in 32 rimmed cases. I've been away over the winter, but will get back back soon and have ordered some 32 Magnum Starline brass and intend to experiment with Hornady 85 and 100 grain JHP's over Power Pistol and/or other powders.
I will report my results in due course.

I guess that this thread would better be located in "Ammunition".


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32 ACP in S&W 16-4 Empty Re: 32 ACP in S&W 16-4

Post by Steve K 1/23/2020, 10:11 am

Thanks for the information. I look forward to your report.

Steve K

Posts : 193
Join date : 2015-11-09

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32 ACP in S&W 16-4 Empty Re: 32 ACP in S&W 16-4

Post by james r chapman 1/23/2020, 10:15 am

Anyone with an extra 16
Cylinder could machine it for moon clips

(Fat chance!)
james r chapman
james r chapman

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32 ACP in S&W 16-4 Empty Re: 32 ACP in S&W 16-4

Post by James Hensler 1/23/2020, 2:42 pm

james r chapman wrote:Anyone with an extra 16
Cylinder could machine it for moon clips

(Fat chance!)
Bingo that’s what I would do
James Hensler
James Hensler

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32 ACP in S&W 16-4 Empty Re: 32 ACP in S&W 16-4

Post by Mike38 1/23/2020, 4:48 pm

Would the .32 S&W (some people call it the .32 S&W Short) be a better choice than the .32 acp?

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32 ACP in S&W 16-4 Empty Re: 32 ACP in S&W 16-4

Post by spursnguns 1/23/2020, 5:05 pm

Mike38 wrote:Would the .32 S&W (some people call it the .32 S&W Short) be a better choice than the .32 acp?


My two cents....

.32 ACP in a revolver is a waste of time and money.  A .32 S&W Short cartridge in a .32 S&W Long chamber has always been disappointing (at best).  I would expect even worse results in a .32 Magnum chamber.
I think light loads (if needed, using some sort of wad or Kapok filler) in the proper cartridge case for the gun is the way to go.


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Age : 66
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32 ACP in S&W 16-4 Empty Re: 32 ACP in S&W 16-4

Post by Jon Eulette 1/23/2020, 5:07 pm

spursnguns wrote:
Mike38 wrote:Would the .32 S&W (some people call it the .32 S&W Short) be a better choice than the .32 acp?


My two cents....

.32 ACP in a revolver is a waste of time and money.  A .32 S&W Short cartridge in a .32 S&W Long chamber has always been disappointing (at best).  I would expect even worse results in a .32 Magnum chamber.
I think light loads (if needed, using some sort of wad or Kapok filler) in the proper cartridge case for the gun is the way to go.


Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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32 ACP in S&W 16-4 Empty Re: 32 ACP in S&W 16-4

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