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Tobacco use and bullseye

BE Mike
Rob Kovach
Bruce M
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Tobacco use and bullseye - Page 2 Empty Tobacco use and bullseye

Post by Bruce M 2/1/2013, 1:08 am

First topic message reminder :

I am a smoker and have read that smoking causes the shooters hands to tremble. I have been shooting for about 6 months and I dry fire alot. I do have a Crazy wobble! I was wondering if the shake from smoking is the same with tobacco use in general or is it just when the tobacco is combusted?
I know I should quit again( I have quit for 3 years twice and 7 years the last time) but the last time I quit I gained 70lbs and that's not good either.
I usually miss at least 3 out of 10 shots in slow fire and its not my guns, it's me!
Is there any hope for a case like me?
I do love the challenge and the folks I have met in the sport.

Thanks for any advice, Bruce

Bruce M

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Join date : 2012-10-29
Age : 62
Location : Huntington, Indiana

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Tobacco use and bullseye - Page 2 Empty great shooters are accurate with or without tobacco

Post by TampaTim 2/28/2013, 2:51 am

I know a military shooter that would shoot slow fire like timed so he could run back get in his truck and smoke. He shot a 2671 during one of these smoke enhanced matches.


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Tobacco use and bullseye - Page 2 Empty Re: Tobacco use and bullseye

Post by Bruce M 3/1/2013, 10:24 am

I'd say that's pretty good shooting there!

Bruce M

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Age : 62
Location : Huntington, Indiana

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Tobacco use and bullseye - Page 2 Empty Re: Tobacco use and bullseye

Post by Jack H 4/4/2013, 10:17 am

pistol champ wrote:I know a military shooter that would shoot slow fire like timed so he could run back get in his truck and smoke. He shot a 2671 during one of these smoke enhanced matches.

LtC Miller told me of shooters taking a smoke break between SF shots when he shot with Joe Benner and others. LtC Miller retired from Army about 1962 and mentored me from 1969-1975
Jack H
Jack H

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Tobacco use and bullseye - Page 2 Empty Re: Tobacco use and bullseye

Post by Jerry Keefer 4/4/2013, 1:27 pm

About 20 years ago I embarked on a study to become an effective shooting coach. I bought, read every book I could find on the subject, and completed the NRA course. Somewhere in that study, I recall reading that, years ago, Japanese Olympic pistol shooting team hopefuls, were rejected for ever having smoked.

Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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