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Camp Perry CMP

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Camp Perry CMP Empty Camp Perry CMP

Post by jwax 1/26/2020, 2:56 pm

Any ideas as to the cost of registering for the Camp Perry CMP Pistol Matches?

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Camp Perry CMP Empty Re: Camp Perry CMP

Post by grinchcop 1/26/2020, 7:19 pm

Registration opens March 1.  The prices, per event, are listed on the registration form at that time.
[th]Sponsoring Affiliate[/th][th]Match Dates[/th][th]Registration Dates[/th][th]Location[/th][th]Match Director[/th][th]Events[/th][th]Contact[/th][th]Phone[/th][th]Email[/th][th]Webpage[/th]
Civilian Marksmanship Program
07/06/20 through 07/12/20
03/01/20 through 07/11/20
Camp Perry, OH
Christie Sewell
Pres 100, Jr Pres 100, NTI, Jr NTI, Official/Vol., SAFS, Adv. Pistol, .22 Pistol, EIC Pistol, SAFS Warm-Up, PPractice, PWarm-Up, P2700, .22Agg Only, CFAgg Only, .45Agg Only, Revolver, Stock Glock, Unlimited Glock, Pop-Up Pistol, M&P Pistol, 1911 Pistol,
Shannon Hand
(419) 635-2141
Registration will open on March 1, 2019.  
The CMP National Pistol Matches and Small Arms Firing Schools are annual national events established by Congress and President Roosevelt in 1903. The National Matches continue to be authorized by federal law.
National Trophy Pistol Matches will begin with the Pistol Small Arms Firing School and M9 Pistol EIC Match on 7 July. New this year is the CMP Pistol National Championships from 8 July - 10 July.  The CMP Pistol National Championships will include a CMP Pistol 2700, CMP Revolver Match, .22 Rimfire Pistol EIC Match, Service Pistol EIC Match and Pistol Team Matches. We will continue on 11 July with the National Trophy Pistol Matches.  The event will conclude with CMP Pistol Games matches include the Glock match, Military & Police Service Pistol Match, As-Issued 1911 Pistol Match and the OHP Pop-Up Pistol Match.
For more information visit the National Trophy Pistol Matches Homepage here.
For questions please email the Competitions Department at competitions@thecmp.org or call 419-635-2141 ext. 724.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-12-29
Location : Maryville, TN

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