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I Have Found My Front Sight

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I Have Found My Front Sight Empty I Have Found My Front Sight

Post by Colt711 1/27/2020, 21:10

A few wks ago after completing a a string I noticed my front sight was gone-fortunately it was on the shooting bench.  The sight (Marvel .22)  was easily reattached and tightened firmly.

One morning last wk my aide handed me a small piece of metal saying " I found this on the floor and it looks important" I glanced  at the small object and commented idly " it's well machined w/ straight edges, and dovetailed looks like it belongs somewhere". Just lay it on the bed stand and maybe I'll  put w/ all the other junk I never can find a use for".

Today I oiled a couple off guns I shot Fri. The Marvel hadn't been shot for a while but was in a case w/ the others so I got it out and started oiling..........AWWWSHITT!!. No front sight. After a few minutes I recalled the small part. DAMN! I think I threw it away. Now I know what you all are thinking, "not much lost, he never used it anyhow" BUT after an hour or so of beating myself up Sue told me to straighten my room up for company. The last thing to clear was the bedside stand and underneath meds, bills, magazines etc there was the front sight!

In 1965  starting w/ Cpl. Dunfee the NO 1 instruction has been "watch your front sight!!".  Though old and senile look out for me now..I HAVE FINALLY FOUND MY FRONT SIGHT!



Posts : 645
Join date : 2012-06-07
Age : 83
Location : Hudson, Florida

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