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Looking for Ransom rest testing

Jon Eulette
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Looking for Ransom rest testing Empty Looking for Ransom rest testing

Post by SmokinNJokin Thu Jan 30, 2020 10:56 am

Looking for someone who can ransom rest test a couple 1911’s for me. Prefer a gunsmith who has an FFL to legally receive pistol shipment and can access factory ammo like Atlanta Arms or Zero 185. I don’t have any facilities around here, and I work long hours so making a road trip is out of the question.
Seems like fewer gunsmiths are doing it these days, Roddy T., Dave Salyer, Alex Hamilton and others have stopped providing the service.
Thanks for looking,


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Looking for Ransom rest testing Empty Re: Looking for Ransom rest testing

Post by Jon Eulette Thu Jan 30, 2020 11:35 am

Try Dave Sams. He uses a HEG rest and is damn good at it.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Looking for Ransom rest testing Empty Re: Looking for Ransom rest testing

Post by bsp85 Thu Jan 30, 2020 2:58 pm

+1 on giving Dave Sams a call.


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Looking for Ransom rest testing Empty Re: Looking for Ransom rest testing

Post by troystaten Thu Jan 30, 2020 11:24 pm

You might consider purchasing one, doing your tests and then selling it.  After you consider the shipping costs to somebody to do the tests you might be better off by purchasing then selling.  Good luck and let us know how it goes.


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Looking for Ransom rest testing Empty Re: Looking for Ransom rest testing

Post by SmokinNJokin Fri Jan 31, 2020 4:49 am

troystaten wrote:You might consider purchasing one, doing your tests and then selling it.  After you consider the shipping costs to somebody to do the tests you might be better off by purchasing then selling.  Good luck and let us know how it goes.
I will eventually, but there is nowhere around I could use one, and i have heard enough from Dave Sams, Jerry Keefer and Steve Huff to know that the way it is mounted (I.e. deep concrete pillar) is critical for repeatable results. Im really missing my old home range, Paul Bunyan, where Dave Wilson does his testing.

I emailed Dave Sams, hopefully his backlog isn’t too bad. Usually runs a year or more for builds.


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Looking for Ransom rest testing Empty Re: Looking for Ransom rest testing

Post by BE Mike Fri Jan 31, 2020 6:31 am

The Blue Grass Sportsman League used to hold bullseye matches on an excellent range. I don't remember if they had a base for a machine rest, but they probably do, if the range hasn't fallen into disrepair from lack of use. You might hook up with a former competitor there. Here is the website: http://bgslinc.com

The Southern Indiana Rifle & Pistol Club isn't terribly far from you. The website is: https://sirapc.com There is a good base for a Ransom Rest there. A very long time member of the club, Tom Graves, is very experienced in Ransom Rest testing. You may be able to hook up with him or someone else for a day of testing. Ron Bekebrede is one of the club officers. You can contact him at gippbeke@bellsouth.net
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Looking for Ransom rest testing Empty Re: Looking for Ransom rest testing

Post by tovaert Fri Jan 31, 2020 7:04 am

A while back, Ransom was looking for individuals (customers who own their product) who could provide testing services at select locations. Evidently they receive many requests for this type of service. You might want to contact them and see if this went anywhere. I'm in N. Indiana...I'd be happy to help you with some testing when it warms up a bit, if you get up this way.


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Looking for Ransom rest testing Empty Re: Looking for Ransom rest testing

Post by SmokinNJokin Fri Jan 31, 2020 7:09 am

BE Mike wrote:The Blue Grass Sportsman League used to hold bullseye matches on an excellent range. I don't remember if they had a base for a machine rest, but they probably do, if the range hasn't fallen into disrepair from lack of use. You might hook up with a former competitor there. Here is the website: http://bgslinc.com

The Southern Indiana Rifle & Pistol Club isn't terribly far from you. The website is: https://sirapc.com There is a good base for a Ransom Rest there. A very long time member of the club, Tom Graves, is very experienced in Ransom Rest testing. You may be able to hook up with him or someone else for a day of testing. Ron Bekebrede is one of the club officers. You can contact him at gippbeke@bellsouth.net
Thanks for the info, I am familiar with SIRPC and have shot there in previous years, I actually shared a hut with Tom at Perry a few years ago. Unfortunately it is an almost 8-hour drive round trip, out of the question right now with the family and work schedule. I hope to join the SIRPC crew this year for the ohio triple crown, fingers crossed that leave gets approved.

I just moved from central Kentucky, unfortunately Bluegrass Sportsman's league no longer does anything with bullseye, they tore out all their turning targets, benches etc and converted that range into an action pistol bay.

So that pretty much leaves me with mailing guns to a smith. I have contacted Dave Sams.


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Looking for Ransom rest testing Empty Re: Looking for Ransom rest testing

Post by BE Mike Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:48 am

Alex Hamilton still has machine rest testing on his website at https://tenring.com/539-2/ I've dealt with him in the past and found him competent and fair.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Looking for Ransom rest testing Empty Re: Looking for Ransom rest testing

Post by 45ACP223 Fri Jan 31, 2020 11:40 am

Have you talked to any of the old Bullseye Shooters at BGS?  I think Glen Wood used to run the matches there (859) 492-4668.  This is what I had listed in an old file.   I know Paul DeMichell and Jerry Chaney used to shoot on their teams and competed with us the Cincinnati Revolver Club and Fairfield Sportsman Assoc.  Sorry, I don't have numbers for them.  One of them might have a lead for you.

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Looking for Ransom rest testing Empty Re: Looking for Ransom rest testing

Post by BE Mike Fri Jan 31, 2020 12:17 pm

45ACP223 wrote:Have you talked to any of the old Bullseye Shooters at BGS?  I think Glen Wood used to run the matches there (859) 492-4668.  This is what I had listed in an old file.   I know Paul DeMichell and Jerry Chaney used to shoot on their teams and competed with us the Cincinnati Revolver Club and Fairfield Sportsman Assoc.  Sorry, I don't have numbers for them.  One of them might have a lead for you.
I believe that Paul passed away. I haven't heard anything about Jerry in a very long time, at least since Pete Gillis passed away. Jerry (a top bullseye shooter) lived in London, KY.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Looking for Ransom rest testing Empty Re: Looking for Ransom rest testing

Post by 45ACP223 Fri Jan 31, 2020 12:58 pm

Wow, sorry to hear about Paul, I've been away from the TriState area for some time.  Hopefully, he might be able to get a hold of Glen.

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