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stove pipe help

Rob Kovach
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stove pipe help Empty stove pipe help

Post by djm026 2/3/2013, 8:06 pm

I shoot a 45 gold cup series 70.ammo 185g master cast swc 3.6 bullseye. 12 pound spring.

having trouble all the sudden with stove pipe shells. Changed spring and still doing it. made load a little hotter and i think this workeded but dont want to change load been shooting with this load for years.Any input on this problem??


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stove pipe help Empty Re: stove pipe help

Post by Rob Kovach 2/3/2013, 10:13 pm

Check your extractor. I've had a cracked one, didn't have its strength or spring tension anymore. The pocket where the extractor goes could be packed tight with gook, and not holding the casing tight enough to make it to the ejector.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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stove pipe help Empty Re: stove pipe help

Post by Jerry944T 2/4/2013, 7:22 am

I agree. most problems with stove pipeing on a gun that worked well is usually related to the extractor loosing control of the shell.

Check you extractor condition, tension and make the proper adjustments or replacements.

The extractor should be capable of holding a loaded shell against the breechface when the gun is shaken.


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stove pipe help Empty extractor issues

Post by tenx9 2/4/2013, 8:29 am

Absolutely right on. I always put in an extented extractor in all my 1911 .45 pistols. You might have to file the extractor at an angle to get a the case to go to the same spot, but thats not too big of a deal. You always want the spent case to go to the side and out. Not straight up. Because the you'll hit the scope mount, then it will appear to be a stove pipe. But it's really whacking the mount. Usually gunsmiths file the ejection port lower to facilitate this. I don't know how it is on a Gold Cup. Try it you'll like it


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stove pipe help Empty Sorry I meant ejector

Post by tenx9 2/4/2013, 8:31 am

ooops I think I meant ejector. I always do that sorry. But, I think you got the point


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stove pipe help Empty Re: stove pipe help

Post by DavidR 2/4/2013, 10:25 am

I have had the same thing happen and it traced back after changing all other parts to a weak magazine spring, change mags and try, might save you a lot of time and money

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stove pipe help Empty Re: stove pipe help

Post by djm026 2/4/2013, 10:57 am

will try the magazine first. never changed the extractor should i change this also?? our is this a change when it breaks part??


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stove pipe help Empty Re: stove pipe help

Post by DavidR 2/4/2013, 11:02 am

just try the mag first, ive found the wilson combat 7 round is a good one

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stove pipe help Empty Re: stove pipe help

Post by Jerry944T 2/4/2013, 11:28 am

Do check the extractor regardless of the magazine maintenance. If it's never been out of the gun it should be inspected, it's channel cleaned and it's tension checked.

It's basically a spring and can loose tension over time. It's easy to bend a bit of tension back into it.


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stove pipe help Empty Re: stove pipe help

Post by djm026 2/4/2013, 11:48 am

I did have it out and it has a very slight bend to it.


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stove pipe help Empty Re: stove pipe help

Post by Jerry944T 2/4/2013, 12:03 pm

Next time you have the slide off slip a loaded cartridge under the extractor.

Give it a couple of decent shakes. If the cartridge stays retained you're probably good. If not make the slight bend a tiny bit steeper until it will hold the loaded cartridge.

Good luck!


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stove pipe help Empty Re: stove pipe help

Post by djm026 2/4/2013, 12:11 pm

ok thanks for everybodys help.


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stove pipe help Empty Re: stove pipe help

Post by djm026 2/4/2013, 6:30 pm


avidR wrote:
I have had the same thing happen and it traced back a

fter changing all other parts to a weak magazine spring, change mags and try, might save you a lot of time and money

What does tme mag spring have to do with stove piping??

My shells are getting stuck on the way out that is stove piping right??


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stove pipe help Empty Re: stove pipe help

Post by Colt711 2/5/2013, 2:23 am

Have you changed to a different lot of the same powder? I use 3 powder bushings for bullsye pdr. About .1 of a grain variation between them. It would not be unusual for a given lot to be lighter enough from another to cause a problem such as you describe.

All of the previous suggestions are good advice.



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stove pipe help Empty Re: stove pipe help

Post by DavidR 2/5/2013, 10:18 am

All i can tell you is i went thru the same thing last season, i had a very good gunsmith go thru the gun, we changed out the extractor, the ejector and tested after each change and the problem continued, 3rd shot would leave the fired shell lodged in the slide. After testing i noticed with one mag it ran fine but with the other it malfunctioned. I switched out that mag and no more problems, i changed the spring to a new wolf extra power and it runs fine with it too now. 1911s are all about timing, everything has to work in unison to function right, something gets off you get problems.

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