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accuracy x pistols

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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty accuracy x pistols

Post by minelabbob 2/8/2020, 5:00 pm

First topic message reminder :

how do you like, and how good do they shoot .

bob accuracy x pistols - Page 3 1883569342


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by minelabbob 2/14/2020, 10:44 am

hi guys I must be doing something wrong because 115 xtp wont shoot in my gun. oal 1.100 max.
cant get the bullet any longer to chamber. so I gave up, now 125 and 147 I can get some
accuracy. but in the past most of my guns wont shoot 115 with any kind of accuracy. fmj or
jhp . only thing I can think of is most bullets were .354 dia. in 115gr. if I shoot .355.5-.356
dia. bullets or heaver gun will shoot. I have tried 1.150 oal fmj 115 and still no good!


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by OldShooter43 2/14/2020, 10:52 am

Why don't you give Steve Huff a call and see what he says?  It may take a day or two because he's a busy guy, but I'm sure he'll get back to you if you have a problem with his pistol.


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by OldShooter43 2/14/2020, 11:02 am

Sorry, I lost track of the guns you have.  Rather than calling Steve, you might try calling Les Baer - but be very diplomatic.  He gets a little testy from time to time. :0)


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by SmokinNJokin 2/14/2020, 11:06 am

minelabbob wrote:hi guys I must be doing something wrong because 115 xtp wont shoot in my gun. oal 1.100 max.
cant get the bullet any longer to chamber. so I gave up, now 125 and 147 I can get some
accuracy. but in the past most of my guns wont shoot 115 with any kind of accuracy. fmj or
jhp . only thing I can think of is most bullets were .354 dia. in 115gr. if I shoot .355.5-.356
dia. bullets or heaver gun will shoot. I have tried 1.150 oal fmj 115 and still no good!

Bob, what is your twist rate? Its pretty well documented that to get good accuracy out of the 115, it wants a 1:32 barrel with near +P loads. Not a real pleasant load to shoot. Why not just stick with the 124 or 147g XTP or Zero JHP? Recoil is much more pleasant and they will perform well out of the 1:18/1:16 twist, if you have a 1:10 you can run the 147jhp very slow and still get great accuracy.

Edit: I'm pretty sure A-X uses the 1:16 twist KKM barrel. Forget shooting with 115. Others may have gotten good results, but why bother. 124 is going to group better at a lower speed with less recoil.


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by OldShooter43 2/14/2020, 12:31 pm

From the Atlanta Arms website;

Elite Ammo - 9mm 124GR JHP
We have created the ultimate 9mm 124 JHP for almost every occasion.
Capable of producing 10 shot groups at 50 yards of 1.5 inches or less, you can rest assured you not only have the function and feel your looking for; you also have the accuracy.  
Works well with most barrel twists. 
(Test Fired through a 4 inch test barrel and Glock 17)
Bullet: 124 GR JHP

Velocity: 1055 ±

Power Factor: 130


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by minelabbob 2/14/2020, 12:51 pm

                my twist should be 1:16 pretty sure . ya I have been shooting 124 fp with good
accuracy in a couple of my 1911. I may be able to squeeze a little more from my load with
a tweek but not sure what to try next. cant go to much longer . I can try shoter  oal  or
combo powder and shorter?  but I have had better luck with RMR FP then jhp.  so I just
play with what works. I have spent hundred of $$$$ trying powders , bullets and I am about
at the end of my playing around, trying things that don't pan out. the 147 have shot good
in the past but have not played around with the new LES GUN yet.


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by TonyH 2/14/2020, 5:02 pm

Wasn’t this a Accuracy-X pistol thread?

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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by minelabbob 2/14/2020, 5:33 pm

yes it is! tell us about your AX  how  does it shoot, whats your best load. what model do you


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by james r chapman 2/14/2020, 6:16 pm

MY AX PRO model likes 3.5 gr Bullseye under 200 gr Brazos
And 4.3 gr Bullseye under 160 gr Brazos
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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by Colt711 2/15/2020, 12:41 am

There are smiths around who will build guns as good as any for much less than the "name" guys. As I age and get further from competition I am familiar w/ fewer of them. Some are hard to get to do guns unless you know them or know someone.
I started out as soon as I could get the $$ w/ Giles guns. I was shooting a lot and found tightening, re barreling, freshening or whatever way out of my $$ range. Master shooters from Canton advised Jackie Best. Good, fast, fair.
I have found others since and have never had any more of the "name" guns.
2 of the Canton fellows who advised me used guns that appearance wise could have passed for junk....one was OH State Champ for several yrs and the other came close to 2630 a couple of times shooting near me. Unsure if he ever made it. Axes..More Axes, gotta have more axes the Champ would say!
Ron Habegger


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by minelabbob 2/15/2020, 4:50 am

thanks Ron! I am going make note on the data.


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by OldShooter43 2/15/2020, 9:46 am

Another try at posting my test target from Steve Huff;

accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Epson011


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by Jon Eulette 2/15/2020, 11:23 am

SmokinNJokin wrote:
Bob, what is your twist rate? Its pretty well documented that to get good accuracy out of the 115, it wants a 1:32 barrel with near +P loads. Not a real pleasant load to shoot. Why not just stick with the 124 or 147g XTP or Zero JHP? Recoil is much more pleasant and they will perform well out of the 1:18/1:16 twist, if you have a 1:10 you can run the 147jhp very slow and still get great accuracy.

Edit: I'm pretty sure A-X uses the 1:16 twist KKM barrel. Forget shooting with 115. Others may have gotten good results, but why bother. 124 is going to group better at a lower speed with less recoil.
My last conversation with Steve Huff he said they were using 1:18 twist barrels in 9mm. 
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by minelabbob 2/15/2020, 1:35 pm

if I remember 1:16 most of my test were done @ 50yd. I figure if I can
hold a 1.5 in.-2in. @ 50 the load was good. my 124FP work @ 50yd. so
I am not going to play around with 115 xtp to much longer.

thanks JON


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by 9146gt 2/16/2020, 9:18 am

I have one of the first AX 9mm 5" guns. It has a 1x32 KKM barrel with a short throat 1.10" aol. With zero copy of the 115 HAP or the 115 HAP-XTP with Auto Comp,N330,Power Pistol it will shoot 1" at 50 yards. Got greedy one day with the ransom rest and shot 30 rounds under 2" group at 50 yards  Smile



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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by OldShooter43 2/16/2020, 10:01 am

Very interesting discussion here.  My AXI 9mm (Ser. #AXP 00115) came with a KKM barrel with a 1x16'" twist and so did my Brandan Bunker 9 mm (Ser.## BA033).  Both were test fired using Atlanta Arms Elite 115gr. JHP bullets.  Both shot very tight groups from a  Ransom rest.  So far I've seen 1x16, 1x18, and 1x32 quoted here as optimum - and all of them are KKM barrels.  Makes one wonder.


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by OldShooter43 2/16/2020, 10:16 am

Sorry. Duplicate post


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by james r chapman 2/16/2020, 10:39 am

Most PPC shooters I know have gone away from 1-32 due to the extreme velocities required for those nice tight little groups.
I believe many are now using the 1-16 KKM, I’m sure KKM can tell you.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by 9146gt 2/16/2020, 10:45 am

My serial number pre AXP is 11100 was built as an NRA action pistol metallic gun delivered 4/13. At that that time Steve was talking about changing twist to accommodate other than 115 grain projectiles.


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by minelabbob 2/16/2020, 10:57 am

most likely reason that I am have a hard time with 115 htp
1# barrel twist rate
2# not pushing bullet all that fast
I wonder if I need to push them @1300 fps. to tighten them up?



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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by OldShooter43 2/16/2020, 12:05 pm

1150 fps ought to do it unless you have a barrel with a twist rate like 1x32".


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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by dapduh2 2/17/2020, 9:32 am

Just wanted to tip my hat to this guy real quick. I started with pistols that weren’t suited for bullseye and I won a donated Springfield RO at a match. I sent it to Dave Salyer and used it to really improve myself in bullseye. It encouraged me to take the next step. I swear, now I’ll see somebody else win a donated pistol or equipment and i get just as happy as the winner... because i know how helpful it can be. So thanks again for giving back to this sport.

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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by dronning 2/17/2020, 10:21 am

9146gt wrote:I have one of the first AX 9mm 5" guns. It has a 1x32 KKM barrel with a short throat 1.10" aol. With zero copy of the 115 HAP or the 115 HAP-XTP with Auto Comp,N330,Power Pistol it will shoot 1" at 50 yards. Got greedy one day with the ransom rest and shot 30 rounds under 2" group at 50 yards  Smile

KC built a 9MM with a KKM 1-32 barrel for me.  I had a couple of sub 1" 50yd 10 groups with it.  Used N330 or WSF & 115 XTP or HAP rounds. I had to push it to 1,100 FPS to do it, which was too sharp a recoil for my wrists (carpal tunnel).  KC then re-barreled it using a 1-10 twist 38 Super and with a 147gr bullet shoots as soft as my M52-2.  Groups are slightly larger now, but more than adequate especially with such a soft load.

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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by minelabbob 2/17/2020, 12:02 pm

what was oal for the 115xtps. I have been around 1.090  but that's my gun.



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accuracy x pistols - Page 3 Empty Re: accuracy x pistols

Post by dronning 2/17/2020, 12:55 pm

minelabbob wrote:what was oal for the 115xtps. I have been around 1.090  but that's my gun.

Same OAL 1.090", 4.7gr of VV N330, 115XTP or HAP, slight flare to seat then no real crimp just straighten the case out.  Redding Competition dies, changed crimp die to a Lee factory crimp die.
- Dave

I haven't shot the 9MM since KC fit the 38 Super barrel.

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