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Hämmerli Trailside trigger adjustment?

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Hämmerli Trailside trigger adjustment? Empty Hämmerli Trailside trigger adjustment?

Post by valbern67 2/9/2020, 1:37 pm


Asking for a friend (really):

Is there a way to adjust the weight of an original Hämmerli Trailside trigger? (not Larry's, which I know are adjustable)




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Hämmerli Trailside trigger adjustment? Empty Re: Hämmerli Trailside trigger adjustment?

Post by kcl31 2/9/2020, 3:04 pm

I don’t think so, I think the only thing can be adjusted in original TS is the travel in 2nd stage (by moving the 2nd stage plunger in/out). But even without the Larry’s trigger upgrade, he can still buy the new style 2nd stage plunger from Walther USA, which is the same as in Larry’s trigger kit, that can adjust 2nd stage weight too.
Hämmerli Trailside trigger adjustment? 11029110


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Hämmerli Trailside trigger adjustment? Empty Re: Hämmerli Trailside trigger adjustment?

Post by jglenn21 2/9/2020, 5:10 pm

You can also buy an xeese trigger from walther. Be sure to get the spring and set screw for the 1st stage pressure adjustmemt..then add the second stage adjustable screw and you will be pretty much the same as a Larry.trigger. the only thing additional the Larry trigger has is a trigger stop which you really dont need. Use the adjustable weight screw from the xesse to stop the overtravel.

You will also need to modify the sear as described by the instructions that come with Larry's trigger. You can find the instructions via google


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