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"Old Classifications" 2600 Shooters Clubs

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"Old Classifications"  2600 Shooters Clubs Empty "Old Classifications" 2600 Shooters Clubs

Post by Colt711 2/14/2020, 11:57 pm

For you more experienced shooters I recall the program for some of the 1st matches I shot in and helped with containing the line "2600 shooters must declare". I don't recall any such animal as a 2600 shooter ever in those matches. Our, Oak Harbor, matches started the fall of 1968. It was circa 1971 or 2 before we saw a shooter of that level. A military shooter, he rapped out a score of 2620, or close, and was the talk of our little group of novices! There were many good shooters, but it took awhile before they reached us and we got to enough matches to dee them.

I recently saw a You Tube presentation where the spokesperson described himself as a "Distinguished NRA Shooter, now retired" ' He mentioned a"2500 Club & a 2600 Club". Any of you heard of the 2500 Club? Possibly scores went up as auto loaders were improved and 2500 became much less of an achievement?

Perhaps others know more of this?
Ron Habegger


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Age : 82
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"Old Classifications"  2600 Shooters Clubs Empty Re: "Old Classifications" 2600 Shooters Clubs

Post by Wobbley 2/15/2020, 11:00 am

There were several “clubs” at several levels way back when.  Some were “officially” recognized by the NRA.  The levels I renpmember were something like “2550”  and “2600”.  This was from the rules I read in the early 1970s.  I think by the late 70s they added levels higher than 2600 and dropped the 2550.  Dunno, I was nowhere near that level then or now.

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"Old Classifications"  2600 Shooters Clubs Empty Re: "Old Classifications" 2600 Shooters Clubs

Post by Axehandle 2/15/2020, 6:04 pm

Smile  Makes me smile..   I started in '78.   At that point in time there was no High Master Classification.  At large matches there would be a 2600 class and a 2650 class.  Many times when the military teams showed there would be more 2600 class shooters than any other.  I remember shooting 2606 while holding an expert card.   Meant I shot 2600 class if there was one.   Got a master card a few months later.


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"Old Classifications"  2600 Shooters Clubs Empty Re: "Old Classifications" 2600 Shooters Clubs

Post by Colt711 2/15/2020, 11:10 pm

I lived near Port Clinton and saw a lot of Perry before shooting there. Home range was Oak Harbor but. Didn't shoot the Regionals @ Bristol IN, or Canton until' 78. Canton had a lot of 2600 shooters. You must have shot there? Started Perry the same yr as the Regs.

 Jim Leoanardson shot @ OH when about 14 or 15. After the Navy, he showed us real shooting up close! Set our range record-2670. He "owned" the range. In later yrs good shooters competed there (Zins) and he won against them all! Later that may have chg'd, but not until his skills tailed a bit.

Thanks, Wobbley & Axe!!

Ron Habegger


Posts : 638
Join date : 2012-06-07
Age : 82
Location : Hudson, Florida

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