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Leupold Freedom RDS

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Leupold Freedom RDS Empty Leupold Freedom RDS

Post by 10sandxs Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:34 pm

In the never ending quest for a better dot, I purchased a leupold FREEDOM RDS. I was pretty skeptical but had a "if you dont like it bring it back" guarentee from our local sporting goods store. I like it a lot more than I thought I would.
1) 1/4 moa clicks and LOTS of them. 80 minutes of adjustment.
2) clicks are positive and predictable and clearly marked
3) finger turn turrets, even on the non "bdc" version. No more coins, screwdrivers, or the stupid aimpoint spanner tool needed.
4) good range of brightness settings. Im shooting it at 2 indooors. Lots of headroom for outside
5) very clear glass with no negative magnification and no blue hue in glass
6) power and dot adjustment in one button. Easy on, easy off. There is a battery saver that supposedly shuts the dot off after 5 minutes of no motion, but I've never experienced it off unless I turn it off.
7) it has lived over 1500 rounds on a slide mount 45, which is beyond where most of my other dots have given up the ghost.
Cool $280 on optics planet vs $440 for a 9000

1) it's as heavy as a 9000 sc.
2) dot quality is ok, but not great. Its supposedly 1 moa but looks bigger. Similar to the 9000 I tried a few years ago
3) limited ring selection. my rings are steel and add another 5 oz. fixable, but not quickly or cheaply yet.
4) no tubes on market... yet... 3d printer, here I come...
Leupold Freedom RDS 20200224
Leupold Freedom RDS 20200223
Leupold Freedom RDS 20200225


Posts : 974
Join date : 2016-01-29

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Leupold Freedom RDS Empty Re: Leupold Freedom RDS

Post by LenV Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:58 pm

I might have to give one a test ride. I have always had good luck with Leupold. I wonder where they are made?

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Leupold Freedom RDS Empty Re: Leupold Freedom RDS

Post by 10sandxs Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:09 pm

Here what's on the box...

Leupold Freedom RDS 20200226


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Join date : 2016-01-29

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Leupold Freedom RDS Empty Re: Leupold Freedom RDS

Post by zanemoseley Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:17 pm

Is it my imagination or is the viewable objective really small for a 34mm tube? That's  one of my favorite things about the 9000sc, the objective is noticeably bigger than a 30mm Matchdot 2.


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Leupold Freedom RDS Empty Re: Leupold Freedom RDS

Post by LenV Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:25 pm

Sorry, it was more a plug then a question. They are made in Bend, Oregon. Right next to Nosler. I have been there several times. Nosler has a show floor selling all their bullets, rifles and Leupold scopes. Except for the rifles you can buy everything there cheaper in town from the "Sportsman's Warehouse". They have some stupid non compete clause at the store. I only go there for the "seconds" which can be a lot cheaper.


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Age : 74
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Leupold Freedom RDS Empty Re: Leupold Freedom RDS

Post by 10sandxs Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:28 pm

Zanemosely... yes, this is a stupid thing... not sure why they did it...

Leupold Freedom RDS 20200227


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Leupold Freedom RDS Empty Re: Leupold Freedom RDS

Post by Jack H Sat Feb 22, 2020 1:07 pm

10sandxs wrote:Zanemosely... yes, this is a stupid thing... not sure why they did it...

Leupold Freedom RDS 20200227
How is that different than this
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Jack H

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Leupold Freedom RDS Empty Re: Leupold Freedom RDS

Post by zanemoseley Sat Feb 22, 2020 1:28 pm

Its one thing opting for an aperture ring but to force a smaller than average viewable while at the same time going with a 34mm tube is odd.


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Location : Cookeville, TN

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