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Revolver DA trigger pull

Jerry Keefer
Rob Kovach
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Revolver DA trigger pull Empty Revolver DA trigger pull

Post by davekp 2/9/2013, 2:00 pm

I have a model 14 that is giving some FTFs in double action. Using Federal primers. How low has anyone gone to get reliable function in double action?


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Revolver DA trigger pull Empty Re: Revolver DA trigger pull

Post by Rob Kovach 2/9/2013, 4:28 pm

What do the dents on the primers look like? Anything unusual?
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Revolver DA trigger pull Empty Re: Revolver DA trigger pull

Post by davekp 2/9/2013, 5:55 pm

Rob Kovach wrote:What do the dents on the primers look like? Anything unusual?


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Revolver DA trigger pull Empty Re: Revolver DA trigger pull

Post by Rob Kovach 2/9/2013, 7:59 pm

If you hit them again or go single action do they fire? I wonder if there is a timing problem that has the firing pin bouncing off the rim first?
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Revolver DA trigger pull Empty Re: Revolver DA trigger pull

Post by davekp 2/9/2013, 8:13 pm

Rob Kovach wrote:If you hit them again or go single action do they fire? I wonder if there is a timing problem that has the firing pin bouncing off the rim first?
I haven't had a chance to try refiring them but I haven't had any issues single action. I'm quite sure I need more pressure on the mainspring from the strain screw, but I want to keep the DA pull as light as possible but still have reliable ignition. Thus my original question.


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Revolver DA trigger pull Empty Re: Revolver DA trigger pull

Post by Jerry Keefer 2/10/2013, 9:57 am

davekp wrote:I have a model 14 that is giving some FTFs in double action. Using Federal primers. How low has anyone gone to get reliable function in double action?
There are numerous areas that effect S&W revolver ignition. Cylinder end play, Yoke end play, firing pin protrusion ( often a big issue ), firing pin shape, internal working clearances, mainspring alterations, etc.
You can get the pull down fairly low, but all the above, and more needs to be addressed..I use stock S&W mainsprings, and a 12 pound rebound for most BE revolvers...light mainsprings are usually a problem, sooner or later..
Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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Revolver DA trigger pull Empty Re: Revolver DA trigger pull

Post by tenx9 2/12/2013, 9:06 am

Thats is the biggest problem with DA revolver shooting. Fed primers are a must. I've tried various manufacturers for light rebound and main springs. Wolf, Miculek. Frankly, in my gun they didnt work or the trigger felt like cr#$p. I ended up CAREFULLY cutting a coil off the rebound spring, bending at the top the main spring of a standard S&W spring. The strain screw MUST be fully tightened. You might try filing the end of the strain screw, But not too much. Then polish all the contact surfaces inside the revolver itself. I doubt it will ever be a Ron Powers trigger but it will be 100% better


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Revolver DA trigger pull Empty Re: Revolver DA trigger pull

Post by james r chapman 2/23/2013, 3:51 pm

I've found in my S&W ppc guns, that 7#'s with federal primers is 100%...

with Winchesters, FTF's quite often...
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Revolver DA trigger pull Empty Re: Revolver DA trigger pull

Post by Jerry Goldfarb 2/26/2013, 4:02 pm

Surprisingly nobody has mentioned making sure that the primers are seated completely.
Jerry Goldfarb
Jerry Goldfarb

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Revolver DA trigger pull Empty Re: Revolver DA trigger pull

Post by inthebeech 2/27/2013, 7:00 am

Make sure the primers are seated completely.

Last edited by inthebeech on 2/27/2013, 7:21 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : sp)

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