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First EIC match

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First EIC match Empty First EIC match

Post by xman 3/5/2020, 12:16 pm

First EIC match

I anticipate shooting in my first EIC match later this month . The question is do I Center hold or a sub six hold my front sight. I will be shooting a Browning Buck Mark model heavy barrel. I tend to think that a sub six would be more consistent for somebody with a marksman classification shooting their first EIC . Thoughts and opinions?

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First EIC match Empty Re: First EIC match

Post by Wobbley 3/5/2020, 12:57 pm

Shoot EXACTLY what you shoot now.  An EIC is enough pressure of its own without introducing a new technique.

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First EIC match Empty Re: First EIC match

Post by CR10X 3/5/2020, 12:58 pm

Which method allows you to shoot more consistent and smaller groups?  Choose the sight picture that allows you to achieve and maintain the best sight alignment throughout the shot process.  Center or 6 or sub six are just locations for the center of your wobble anyway.  The screws on the gun's sight will / can be adjusted to get center hits.   

What really matters is sight alignment.  Pick the one that allows you to see the alignment of the front and rear sights and does not create conditions that make you freeze or hesitate when operating the trigger.  (Which is why "blank target" training is so important as it frees the mind from the temptation to try and "pick off" the shot.) 

Because of various front and rear sight widths, lighting levels and your own visual acuity, this is a question only you can really answer. 



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First EIC match Empty Re: First EIC match

Post by xman 3/5/2020, 2:04 pm

Well wobbley, I have shot exclusively with a dot to this point I have not shot any irons at all . I will get a little bit more practice with Ryan’s before the match just at least get a feel for positioning out Where where the sites are and all the rest trigger ,control and site picture. I do have a methodology for blackening the sites that I can do before I leave for the match so I will at least have a good contrast between the white and the black .

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First EIC match Empty Re: First EIC match

Post by chiz1180 3/5/2020, 5:47 pm

I shoot sub six as that was how I was taught when I started shooting 10m air pistol (started shooting bullseye with dot only). However, I do believe that both methods have merit. At SAFS the AMU guys seemed to have the opinion that center hold had a slight advantage over sub six. 

If I was to start shooting irons for the first time I would pick up the gun as I would with a dot, lift to the target and see what the sight picture was, either center or sub six and go with that. Use the sight picture that makes sense to you.

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First EIC match Empty Re: First EIC match

Post by Al 3/6/2020, 9:20 am

chiz1180 wrote:I shoot sub six as that was how I was taught when I started shooting 10m air pistol (started shooting bullseye with dot only). However, I do believe that both methods have merit. At SAFS the AMU guys seemed to have the opinion that center hold had a slight advantage over sub six. 

If I was to start shooting irons for the first time I would pick up the gun as I would with a dot, lift to the target and see what the sight picture was, either center or sub six and go with that. Use the sight picture that makes sense to you.

Exactly as I found. When I first started shooting air, I tried all 3 for a period of 6 months each, keeping a running total of scores.
I found the center hold to average 4-6 points higher than sub 6 and 10-12 points higher than  a 6 hold.
Fast forward 15 years & deteriorating eyesight I have switched to the sub six. Eyesight just doesn't pick up the black front sight in the middle of the black center.


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First EIC match Empty Re: First EIC match

Post by James Hensler 3/6/2020, 10:02 am

With my Pistol a Sub 6 at 25 and center at 50 resulted in no click movement of my sights
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First EIC match Empty Re: First EIC match

Post by CO1Mtn 3/25/2020, 1:48 pm

Years ago before I started out in bullseye, and I just plinked at the range for fun, I used to shoot center hold. For bullseye, I was advised to use only the sub six. It's worked. Black front sight post on black target is not conducive. It may seem strange shooting below the black at first, but you'll get used to it. Just keep a thin line of white between the front sight post and the bottom of the black target circle and practice area aiming.


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