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Struggling Empty Struggling

Post by watercam 3/5/2020, 4:03 pm

Well folks, I tried to go with the standard grip panels on both .22 and .45 and it just wasn't coming together. Gave it 8 months, was never consistent from one day to the next and looked like I was on crack through the dot,  going back to supporting grips on both and enjoy myself more. Too old to change!


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Join date : 2015-03-04
Location : South Beach, OR

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Struggling Empty Re: Struggling

Post by Aprilian 3/5/2020, 4:16 pm

I attended a week long clinic with Brian this fall and tried all his recommendations.  Slabs got me a stronger grip but because my hands are different than his (longer, thinner, broken bones, etc) I don't do well with that approach and have just gone back to Herrett's Automatics and my performance has improved.

It doesn't mean I won't go back to slabs, but at this point slabs put the middle section of my long fingers on the side of the front strap.   

That is one of the interesting things for me with Bullseye, we can't just repeat what other have done - we have to figure out what works for us at that point in time and be willing to think through the problem we have at that time (which is how Brian came up with his grip for his shorter meat hooks  Razz ).

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Struggling Empty Re: Struggling

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 3/5/2020, 4:31 pm

Why struggle?   Just do what works.  As long as you stay within the rules of the match you're shooting do what makes you comfortable and happy.

I've noticed that unless I'm beating someone...no one cares what I do.

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Join date : 2011-06-10

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