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Best case trimmer, opinions needed

BE Mike
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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by hengehold 3/5/2020, 4:38 pm

I just picked up a Hornaday lock and load progressive reloading press. I am going to start reloading for 9mm with the goal of going distinguished. What is the best choice for case trimming and chamfering? Doing all three steps (length, outside/inside chamfer) At once is ideal.

What are my best options?

I have seen pictures of the Dylan trimmer that mounts onto the progressive press. That looks like a pretty convenient option. What do you all think?

Last edited by hengehold on 3/5/2020, 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by james r chapman 3/5/2020, 4:39 pm

It’s Pistol. 
Most don’t
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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by hengehold 3/5/2020, 4:42 pm

I read the pistol reloading section of my reloading manual yesterday to become familiar with the process. The manual stressed that having consistent OAL on each case was a critical step because of the crimping process.

Is this not the case?

Is crimping not used for bull’s-eye reloading?


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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by Larry2520 3/5/2020, 4:50 pm

Since you don't "crimp" a 45 case it doesn't grow so trimming isn't necessary. Bullets in 45 cases are friction fit. Military and commercial loads are held in with glue! Of course everyone knows about 22 loads but if you shoot any other calibers that require crimping you may want to buy a gauge for them. Personally I use gauges on all my loads to check diameter and length.


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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by hengehold 3/5/2020, 6:23 pm

Thanks for the info. I will be loading for 9mm exclusively.

What is the purpose of the gauge that you use? Is it just to be sure that the brass is not too long or does it measure OAL of the loaded cartridge also?

Are you referring Wilson OAL gauges that you use?


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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by James Hensler 3/5/2020, 7:11 pm

I have crimped my lead 45’s to .463 since 1988
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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by Wobbley 3/5/2020, 8:59 pm

Most people don’t trim pistol brass for the following reasons:

1. Most brass is below the maximum case length from the start.
2. It never gets longer as the firing process tends to collapse the 
    extraction groove.
3. When the case shrinks they do not shrink the same case-to-case
    So you’ll be trimming constantly.

The Dillion trimmer is good, but it doesn’t come in 9mm.  

The best approach to loading 9mm on a progressive is to process your brass by de capping and sizing in one setup and then loading the brass after wet tumbling (no pins).   

With 9mm, you need to scour your brass for military cases with crimped primers.  Even if you buy new brass and meticulously pick up only your own, military brass WILL get in to your stash and the crimps on military brass are heavy.

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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by hengehold 3/5/2020, 9:29 pm

Thanks for the explanation. Do some people size cases without case lube? I have loaded for rifle for competitive shooting for about 16 years and I have never heard of anyone sizing rifle cases without lube.


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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by REConley 3/5/2020, 9:35 pm

Straight walled cases can be sized without lube with a tungsten carbide sizing die.

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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by WesG 3/5/2020, 9:41 pm

You can size 9mm without lube in a carbide die. Or, get away with it at least ;-)


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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by dronning 3/5/2020, 10:18 pm

It's so much easier with a little lube.  Hornady One Shot, one of my buddies uses Pam.

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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by Wobbley 3/5/2020, 10:30 pm

hengehold wrote:Wobbley,
Thanks for the explanation. Do some people size cases without case lube? I have loaded for rifle for competitive shooting for about 16 years and I have never heard of anyone sizing rifle cases without lube.
There are carbide rifle dies and you still have to lube them.  You CAN get away with notblubing when using carbide dies.  If you do use Hornady One Shot it has to be used per the directions.

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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by tovaert 3/6/2020, 8:28 am

There was some helpful advice here a while ago, for 9mm. There is no need to crimp...just use another sizing die in the last step and remove the flare, down about .1" below the case mouth. Remember it's a tapered case. Depending on your barrel twist, load 147gr Zero or Hornady XTP JHPs at about 975 fps, or 125gr a little faster (1050 fps). You barely need to flare the cases since these are "boat tail" bullets. No trimming/chamfering necessary, but good idea to sort by headstamp and length. Good ammo for an EIC match.


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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by BE Mike 3/6/2020, 9:40 am

After becoming distinguished with the 1911 and factory ball .45 ACP ammo, I was shooting the Kidd accurized Beretta for fun in EIC matches.  I used new Starline 9mm brass. I did lube the cases so they'd be easier to size. I never felt the need to trim the new cases and I actually never trim any 9mm cases. I used the once fired cases for the short line and even used mixed headstamps. Actually for the small amount of ammo used for the long line in EIC matches, I would consider a known accurate factory round today. Back in the day Atlanta Arms ammo shot very well. The tip not to really crimp 9mm, but just take out the bell, is a very good one.
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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by NuJudge 3/6/2020, 4:47 pm

Sizing new .32 S&W-L brass in a carbide sizing die, without lube, I found the press would pull the rim of the case off if I did not use some of the spray-on-and-dry lube, both outside the case and inside.


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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by lyman1903 3/6/2020, 5:25 pm

I have a dillon trimmer (for 223/30.06) and stopped using it, 

loud,  even if you don't use the plastic bits w/ the vacuum hose attachment, 

I've never trimmed pistol brass, but use a Gracey now (had it for years) for rifle brass

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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by rreid 3/8/2020, 5:40 pm

No trimming needed for pistol cases. New Starline brass can be purchased for 12 cents per round, for 50 yard loads. 

The info I use is in this topic:  https://www.bullseyeforum.net/t7790-bullet-and-pwd-charge-for-9-mm

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Best case trimmer, opinions needed Empty Re: Best case trimmer, opinions needed

Post by 1joel1 3/9/2020, 11:41 am

I don't trim pistol brass either. For rifle brass, I use the Worlds Finest Trimmer:

I slap it in the mini lathe and can run through 100 rounds in a few minutes.



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