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Accuracy X Micro Rail

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Accuracy X Micro Rail Empty Accuracy X Micro Rail

Post by james r chapman 3/9/2020, 6:00 am

Those aware of this rail should know it will also work with most of the Primary Arms/Holosun/Romeo dots after removing the picattiny base, in addition to the Aimpoint Micro.

A cheaper alternative.

Accuracy X Micro Rail F7980a10
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Join date : 2012-01-31
Age : 75
Location : HELL, Michigan

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Accuracy X Micro Rail Empty Re: Accuracy X Micro Rail

Post by adminbot1911 3/9/2020, 10:43 am

Do you have a picture of the entire top of the slide?  It looks like you have the same model Acc X I do but I have the multi-sight cutout which I can't see on yours.

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Accuracy X Micro Rail Empty Re: Accuracy X Micro Rail

Post by Fotomaniac 3/9/2020, 10:53 am

It’s there, the “black” Microrail is covering it. Drops into the back just like the full rail part.


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Accuracy X Micro Rail Empty Re: Accuracy X Micro Rail

Post by james r chapman 3/9/2020, 11:53 am

Yes, it is on the multisight slide.

Uses the front sight screw in front, 
Multisight rear.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Age : 75
Location : HELL, Michigan

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Accuracy X Micro Rail Empty Re: Accuracy X Micro Rail

Post by Guest 3/9/2020, 1:15 pm

Sorry, I'm not getting this - so is the Micro Rail already milled into the slide - or is it a separate rail which is a "multi-sight" attachment and is additionally secured at the muzzle by the front sight screw?

If it is a separate multi-sight "rail" how much are they?


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Accuracy X Micro Rail Empty Re: Accuracy X Micro Rail

Post by chiz1180 3/9/2020, 1:25 pm

The multi-sight system is integrated into accuracy x slides.

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Accuracy X Micro Rail Empty Re: Accuracy X Micro Rail

Post by Guest 3/9/2020, 1:44 pm

chiz1180 wrote:The multi-sight system is integrated into accuracy x slides.
OK, but I don't see a "micro rail" on the Accuracy X website?
Accuracy X Micro Rail Multi-10


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Accuracy X Micro Rail Empty Re: Accuracy X Micro Rail

Post by james r chapman 3/9/2020, 2:07 pm

Micro rail

YouTube introduction
james r chapman
james r chapman

Posts : 6334
Join date : 2012-01-31
Age : 75
Location : HELL, Michigan

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Accuracy X Micro Rail Empty Re: Accuracy X Micro Rail

Post by Guest 3/9/2020, 2:40 pm

Thanks Jim, got it now. Cheers.


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Accuracy X Micro Rail Empty Re: Accuracy X Micro Rail

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