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Photos for dry firing and training?

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Photos  for dry firing and training? Empty Photos for dry firing and training?

Post by bentrod Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:19 am

I took a number of photos of my indoor range, I can now print these with my high end photo printer to dry fire on  and make my training area more realistic. If I am shooting at 50 feet and dry firing at 5 feet, the size of the black on my printed bullseye should be exactly 1/10 of the actual target measurement. Is this correct? I have complete control of the printed image.



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Photos  for dry firing and training? Empty Re: Photos for dry firing and training?

Post by mspingeld Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:57 am

There have been complicated discussions on this involving diameter of the bullet. My advice would be to print the target without scoring lines, just a black bull on a white background. Split your dry firing time between a blank wall and the bull. The blank wall will show you how your trigger affects the sights at the time of release. The bull may screw you up, but is still a necessary evil.


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Photos  for dry firing and training? Empty Re: Photos for dry firing and training?

Post by bentrod Mon Mar 09, 2020 12:53 pm

I photographed the target line to include 6 targets from the floor to above the target holders, the view one sees from the bench on the firing line at 50 feet at an indoor range, to be printed 17" x 22" to  make the experience realistic. For dry firing I will just print one photo of the complete target,  frame and all, at the scale of  5' (the distance from the gun to the dry firing target on my wall at the 50' line). That is the only information I need right now. When I shoot with a red dot I don't look at the dot, I look at the target for a  number of reasons: 1) because Brian Zins said so, 2) my red dots look like a blobby  octopus and when I concentrate on my sight I never see the same sight picture twice, thus my sustained fire groups change from one target to the next. And 3) see number one.



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Photos  for dry firing and training? Empty Re: Photos for dry firing and training?

Post by JimTMich Mon Mar 09, 2020 1:08 pm

bentrod wrote:I took a number of photos of my indoor range, I can now print these with my high end photo printer to dry fire on  and make my training area more realistic. If I am shooting at 50 feet and dry firing at 5 feet, the size of the black on my printed bullseye should be exactly 1/10 of the actual target measurement. Is this correct? I have complete control of the printed image.


That is correct.
A 50' slowfire B-2 7 ring is 3.07" per the rule book.  At 5' that would be 0.307".  The 7 ring is the black part of the bull.


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Photos  for dry firing and training? Empty Re: Photos for dry firing and training?

Post by bentrod Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:44 pm


Thanks guys.



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Photos  for dry firing and training? Empty Re: Photos for dry firing and training?

Post by bdas Mon Mar 09, 2020 4:30 pm

The dimensions of all the official pistol targets can be found in the NRA Precision Pistol rule book.

But an easier reference, showing the diameter, radius, width, color, and area of each ring of each target can be found at http://guns.dsttr.com/NRAPistolTargets.html  It also shows the distance from the middle of the ring to the center of the target, which can be useful when adjusting your sights.

If anyone knows the official ring sizes for the TQ-6 and TQ-7 targets (unofficial 25 ft targets), please let me know, and I'll add those.  I was only able to find the size of the black.

Those 25ft targets (TQ-6 and TQ-7) aren't official, but they are great for dry-fire practice in the basement, where you might be able to get 25 feet from the target.

TQ-6 targets at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Official-Target-TQ-6-Slow-Pistol/dp/B07C7P9R3M
TQ-7 targets at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Official-Target-Timed-Rapid-Pistol/dp/B07C846GVB



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Photos  for dry firing and training? Empty Re: Photos for dry firing and training?

Post by mikemyers Sat Mar 14, 2020 12:13 pm

bentrod wrote:I took a number of photos of my indoor range, I can now print these with my high end photo printer to dry fire on  and make my training area more realistic.......
I don't know about others, but when I'm shooting at a B-8 target at 25 yards, which is what I do most often, anything and everything outside of the target becomes "invisible".  That's on purpose, as the only thing I want to see is the bull.  

Seems to me that you're making something realistic would only be so for someone watching you dry-fire.  I think you should blank everything out except the bull, sized as you plan to do it.  You can print this on a b&w printer on a sheet of copy paper.

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