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Ambient Temperature Sensitivity

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Ambient Temperature Sensitivity Empty Ambient Temperature Sensitivity

Post by Guest 3/15/2020, 1:21 pm

I like to use VV N310 for both 32ACP and 45ACP. I've heard and read comments that N310 does not work well in colder seasons. Of course there are many parts of the USA which are much colder now than here by the coast in Oregon (I offer my sympathy - I've lived in cold climates in the past - not for me any more!).

It is typically about 50degF here during daytime - is that cold enough to make a significant difference?


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Ambient Temperature Sensitivity Empty Re: Ambient Temperature Sensitivity

Post by CR10X 3/15/2020, 3:08 pm

Not that I could tell.  But primers seem to make more a difference with VV310 than temperature for me.  Winchester primers seem to be more consistent and produces less velocity variation than other types in .45 ACP with VV310.  But I don't run real low velocity loads either.



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Ambient Temperature Sensitivity Empty Re: Ambient Temperature Sensitivity

Post by spursnguns 3/15/2020, 6:10 pm

Hello radjag,

I like simplifying my life.  I don't have interest in warm weather loads versus cold weather loads.  I want "a" load that works all the time....basically, grab the ammo and hit the road.  That being said, I have discontinued using VV N310 because my standard/accurate load (4.2 grains) would not cycle my guns when the temperature dropped below +- 50 degrees.  4.5 grains of Bullseye gives me the same accuracy and functionality from frosty to blistering.


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Ambient Temperature Sensitivity Empty Re: Ambient Temperature Sensitivity

Post by jglenn21 3/16/2020, 9:29 am

While cold weather is a bit of a misnomer for a southern boy, our Nov or even March matches can be a bit brisk. I've made it a habit to simply load my mags and carry them in my pockets while scoring. then pull them out as needed. Even put a pocket warmer in at times. never an ssue with 22 or any other cartridge.

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Ambient Temperature Sensitivity Empty Re: Ambient Temperature Sensitivity

Post by Guest 3/16/2020, 9:36 am

Now that's a smart suggestion. I have been keeping a hand warmer in my left pocket anyhow, so just pop the mags in there, easy. Thanks.

I am trying a different powder too, just to cover all the bases.


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Ambient Temperature Sensitivity Empty Re: Ambient Temperature Sensitivity

Post by weber1b 3/16/2020, 10:45 am

As a northern shooter, we don't do outdoors in the winter. I keep my ammo inside when my gun box has to sit in the car. In the summertime, I keep it in the shade and have had no noticable issues. I do use N310


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Ambient Temperature Sensitivity Empty Re: Ambient Temperature Sensitivity

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 3/16/2020, 10:51 am

weber1b wrote:As a northern shooter, we don't do outdoors in the winter. I keep my ammo inside when my gun box has to sit in the car. In the summertime, I keep it in the shade and have had no noticable issues. I do use N310
I hope you're not including me in "we".   alien

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Ambient Temperature Sensitivity Empty Re: Ambient Temperature Sensitivity

Post by weber1b 3/16/2020, 11:16 am

weber1b wrote:As a northern shooter, we don't do outdoors in the winter. I keep my ammo inside when my gun box has to sit in the car. In the summertime, I keep it in the shade and have had no noticable issues. I do use N310
I hope you're not including me in "we".   alien
Ok, you are right. I don't do Bullseye outdoors. I know that there are plenty of disciplines that do shoot in the cold.


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Location : Ballwin, MO

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Ambient Temperature Sensitivity Empty Re: Ambient Temperature Sensitivity

Post by CR10X 3/17/2020, 10:42 am

Use 4.4 gr of newer production VV310 and you will probably see a significant improvement in combustion and probably some group size reduction as well.  JHP 185's generally get better with velocity increase anyway, up to a point....


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Ambient Temperature Sensitivity Empty Re: Ambient Temperature Sensitivity

Post by SteveT 3/17/2020, 12:58 pm

CR10X wrote:Use 4.4 gr of newer production VV310 and you will probably see a significant improvement in combustion and probably some group size reduction as well.  JHP 185's generally get better with velocity increase anyway, up to a point....
4.4gr with 185JHP

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