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Scarborough Fish and Game Club

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Scarborough Fish and Game Club Empty Scarborough Fish and Game Club

Post by tierney Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:15 am

The Scarborough F&G website has been offline for awhile.  The Maine range has conducted monthly matches as well as the Lobster match in Sept. Nothing posted for matches in NRA upcoming matches, either.  Anyone have any information? I know that the person who took over from Larry Carter lives a long way from Scarborough.


Posts : 62
Join date : 2014-07-02
Location : NH

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Scarborough Fish and Game Club Empty Re: Scarborough Fish and Game Club

Post by -TT- Tue Mar 17, 2020 9:25 am

Huh, yes it does look like www.scarfg.org is offline. Hopefully just a glitch, I'm sure the club is still there :-)

Might be a little early for the organizers to get something put up about the Fall, the Lobster Match is usually held in early September. The old www.lobstermatch.com site is up, but it's been unchanged since 2016.

Last year's event was great. Looking forward to the next one.

Posts : 624
Join date : 2016-10-18

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