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Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins...

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Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins... Empty Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins...

Post by JimTMich 3/23/2020, 12:09 pm

Well, I'm working from home, and now the Governor of MI issued a stay at home order.  So I'm reduced to pellet guns.  You guys that haven't been locked down yet, keep shooting and posting, I'll keep up the data.

For those that are reduced to pellet guns, if you have sustained fire capability continue to post here as I have been doing.

There is a similar 10M air pistol group on the other web site that does a full ISSF 600 monthly.

If there is interest, we could do a pellet gun weekly 200 or 300pt slow fire match using NRA slowfire targets full or reduced size.  Like the opening of a 900 pt match.  Let me know if there is interest.

This website is all about Bullseye shooting so lets have a NRA Precision Pistol 300pt National Match Course.
Follow the NRA Precision Pistol Rules.
Shoot at any official distances with official targets or scale targets to make it basement friendly for pellet guns.

Week #6 is now open.  Shoot and post your score and information here on or before 3/29/2020.  At that time week #6 will close and week #7 will be open.
Everyone is welcome to join in.  No membership or enrollment needed.  Simply post your information.

Post the following information
Name or forum name:
Distance: 50/25yard, 25yard, 50 foot, 25 foot.....
Shooting aids: (we're here because we like competition, if we need to deviate from the rules to continue to enjoy, please do so.  I would rather have someone with a shake shoot two handed and enjoy, than sit out.  We'll all be there sooner or later.)
Post a picture of the targets if you can.  It's fun to see.
Score Slow Fire:
Score Timed Fire:
Score Rapid Fire:

I'll summarize the results and post them weekly.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Looking forward to shooting with everyone.

Feel free to shoot all calibers(22LR, Centerfire, 45, plus pellet).
Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins... Attachment
NRA Precision Pistol 25 foot National Match Course V2.pdf You don't have permission to download attachments.(168 Kb) Downloaded 3 times
Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins... Attachment
Weekly NMC scores 2020.xls You don't have permission to download attachments.(66 Kb) Downloaded 4 times

Last edited by JimTMich on 3/30/2020, 12:30 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : attached data)


Posts : 140
Join date : 2019-04-01
Location : Kalamazoo, Michigan

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Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins... Empty Re: Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins...

Post by JKR 3/23/2020, 4:55 pm

Nice today. Nearly 40 degrees so I shot outdoors. I have the good fortune to be able to shoot at home. 

45 (iron sights)
SF 86-1
TF 97-4
RF 94-3
NMC 277-8

22(GSP dot sight)
SF 95-3
TF 97-4
RF 94-3
NMC 286-10

I feel badly for those who can’t get to the range. If this turns into a slow fire air pistol match, I’m in.


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Location : Northern Wisconsin

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Post by DonBrummer 3/23/2020, 7:54 pm

Count me in, I have a stack of B-40 targets....

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Post by WesG 3/23/2020, 11:16 pm

3x10 minute sessions, B-40
.177, RWS MK 4.5



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Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins... Empty Re: Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins...

Post by DonBrummer 3/24/2020, 7:47 pm

Don Brummer
Distance: 29' 4" (thats all my basement offers)
Pistol: IZH-46M
Caliber: .177 (H&N finale match light pellets) 
Sights: Iron
Target 1- 95-3x
Target 2- 97-4x
Target 3 - 91-1x
Aggregate - 283-8x

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Join date : 2014-07-24
Location : East Meadow, NY

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Post by JimTMich 3/24/2020, 9:12 pm

Steyr LP50
red dot
RWS MK 7.0

25' NMC
Slow 89
timed 98-4X
rapid 100-5x

10M B4 300pt slowfire
Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins... Attachment
IMG_0048 nmc.jpg 25' scaled NMCYou don't have permission to download attachments.(101 Kb) Downloaded 3 times
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IMG_0050 slow.jpg 33' B4 slowfireYou don't have permission to download attachments.(99 Kb) Downloaded 4 times


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Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins... Empty Re: Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins...

Post by JKR 3/25/2020, 9:22 am

Those 283’s are great Air Pistol scores. I’ve been shooting this same match for a couple years now with a group of friends. Not many 280 scores shot!


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Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins... Empty Re: Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins...

Post by JimTMich 3/25/2020, 11:55 am

JKR wrote:Those 283’s are great Air Pistol scores. I’ve been shooting this same match for a couple years now with a group of friends. Not many 280 scores shot!
two words....Red Dot Smile
I'm more like a 260's guy with open sites.


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Location : Kalamazoo, Michigan

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Post by JimTMich 3/25/2020, 11:57 am

Now Don shooting a 283 with Irons..I agree excellent shooting.


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Location : Kalamazoo, Michigan

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Post by Guest 3/28/2020, 1:56 pm

My local range is still open and I'm usually alone - so this is just a way of self-isolating!

Pardini SP-22
1" UD
Aguila Super Extra

SF - 96
TF - 100, 5x
RF - 98, 4x
NMC - 294

Not quite a PB, but pretty happy with that nonetheless.
Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins... 26mar210


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Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins... Empty Re: Internet National Match Course League Week #6 - Covid 19 lockdown begins...

Post by JimTMich 3/30/2020, 12:31 pm

Posted scores in the first post.  Thanks for shooting guys.  Week 7 thread is open.


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Join date : 2019-04-01
Location : Kalamazoo, Michigan

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