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Any feeding difference between bullets?

David R
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Any feeding difference between bullets? Empty Any feeding difference between bullets?

Post by kjanracing 3/25/2020, 10:39 am

Just talking feeding here from mag into barrel.  Is there any difference between Zero 185 lead HPSWC and 200 LSWC?  Looking at and measuring the noses they appear really close. Is there any reason a 200 LSWC would feed any better than the 185 HPs just due to shape?  Make sense?

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Any feeding difference between bullets? Empty Re: Any feeding difference between bullets?

Post by David R 3/25/2020, 2:12 pm

If its a wadcutter barrel, no difference.  OAL may change.   Some here measure from the base of the brass to the shoulder of the bullet to  be  .920 to .930"  Then it does not matter about nose profile as much.

David R
David R

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Any feeding difference between bullets? Empty Re: Any feeding difference between bullets?

Post by teason 3/25/2020, 2:51 pm

David R wrote:If its a wadcutter barrel, no difference.  OAL may change.   Some here measure from the base of the brass to the shoulder of the bullet to  be  .920 to .930"  Then it does not matter about nose profile as much.


I experienced the opposite of this with the brazos 160; but it is really short, so your "as much" qualifier is appropriate.  The 180 works flawlessly independent of powder charge.  The 160's will not feed in my wadgun.  At first I thought it was because the charge was too low, but after trying different charge weights I was able to conclude that the 160 wasn't meant for my gun.  YMMV.


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Any feeding difference between bullets? Empty Re: Any feeding difference between bullets?

Post by Deerspy 3/26/2020, 11:23 am

I have a old series 70 colt 1976 I think GI model I have never found a bullet that would not feed it has slide mount UD and tighter bushing I use two original magazines run fine .


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Any feeding difference between bullets? Empty Re: Any feeding difference between bullets?

Post by teason 3/26/2020, 12:23 pm

Deerspy wrote:I have a old series 70 colt 1976 I think GI model I have never found a bullet that would not feed it has slide mount UD and tighter bushing I use two original magazines run fine .

ha, that's what i have; but it has a kart barrel/bushing.


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Any feeding difference between bullets? Empty Re: Any feeding difference between bullets?

Post by Guest 3/26/2020, 9:56 pm

I have a 2019 SARO with OEM barrel, but accurised by Roddy Toyota. I mostly shoot factory Federal GMM 185JHP, Nosler 185JHP over N310 or WST and Brazos Hi-Tec 160LSWC over N310. But I've also run some 200LSWC and 185LSWC reloads through it. Never a problem as long as it is cleaned occasionally.

OK, I did have a FTE problem right at the end of last season - I'd never removed the extractor since I got the gun 6 months prior and several thousand rounds - when Roddy pulled it out for me it was simply disgusting! He just about ruined a rifle bronze brush getting all of the gunge out of the tunnel! Cleaned, replaced and oiled, good as new! Another lesson learned.


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Any feeding difference between bullets? Empty Re: Any feeding difference between bullets?

Post by LenV 3/27/2020, 8:08 am

kjanracing wrote:Just talking feeding here from mag into barrel.  Is there any difference between Zero 185 lead HPSWC and 200 LSWC?  Looking at and measuring the noses they appear really close. Is there any reason a 200 LSWC would feed any better than the 185 HPs just due to shape?  Make sense?
Just to get back to the OP question. There is no difference between the way Zero 185's HPSWC and Zero 200's LSWC feed. By design they have the same external profile. That said. There are a lot of other 200gr bullets out there with slightly different shapes.

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Any feeding difference between bullets? Empty Re: Any feeding difference between bullets?

Post by kjanracing 3/27/2020, 8:41 am

Thanks, Len. I have a Clark Heavy Long Slide that wouldn’t feed anything reliably. I had a smith here work on it, now it actually works. So far the 185s seem to work well, I also tried some Berry’s 200s. I needed to order more bullets, hence my question. So 2000 185 SWCHP it is.

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Any feeding difference between bullets? Empty Re: Any feeding difference between bullets?

Post by jglenn21 3/27/2020, 9:25 am

My old clark long slide loved the 130 button nose bullets

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Any feeding difference between bullets? Empty Re: Any feeding difference between bullets?

Post by Wobbley 3/27/2020, 11:24 am

I believe Clark setup his wadgun for RemFedWin 185 grain FMJSWC.

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