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High end ammo Ruger Mark 2

BE Mike
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High end ammo Ruger Mark 2 Empty High end ammo Ruger Mark 2

Post by bigscott 2/14/2013, 4:40 pm

Most of the ammo around is running 16-20 dollars a box. I see various types of Eley, Federal Ultramatch, and some CCI Green Tag. I shoot a Ruger Mark 2. I've had good reliability with Federal Gold. Eley Standard gave good groups but I only used it in slow fire, since i didn't have a lot of it, and I was worried about FTE in Timed/rapid. I would hate to dole out 20 or 40 dollars to find out it doesn't work so hot in my gun. If anyone has experience with these brands, esp in any ruger, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Scott

Last edited by bigscott on 2/14/2013, 4:42 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)


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High end ammo Ruger Mark 2 Empty Re: High end ammo Ruger Mark 2

Post by BE Mike 2/14/2013, 4:51 pm

To me, any ammo that is reasonably priced, functions well, and shoots 2" or so at the 50 yard line is good to go. I like CCI Standard Velocity and Aguila Standard Velocity. Spending 5x as much for ammo that will shoot 1" or under just isn't worth it to me for bullseye pistol shooting. The cheaper ammo won't be costing me points. I am the weak link.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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High end ammo Ruger Mark 2 Empty Re: High end ammo Ruger Mark 2

Post by bigscott 2/14/2013, 5:03 pm

BE Mike wrote:To me, any ammo that is reasonably priced, functions well, and shoots 2" or so at the 50 yard line is good to go. I like CCI Standard Velocity and Aguila Standard Velocity. Spending 5x as much for ammo that will shoot 1" or under just isn't worth it to me for bullseye pistol shooting. The cheaper ammo won't be costing me points. I am the weak link.
I am the weak link as well, for sure. Sadly, the shelves are bare except for what is costing a small fortune. From the sounds of it the tide may not turn for several months.


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High end ammo Ruger Mark 2 Empty Re: High end ammo Ruger Mark 2

Post by jakuda 2/14/2013, 5:22 pm

I have never had any issues with CCI Standard Velocity out of my Ruger.


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High end ammo Ruger Mark 2 Empty Re: High end ammo Ruger Mark 2

Post by Dave C. 2/15/2013, 8:37 am


Your Ruger is designed to handle Hi-Velocity ammo. Many times this will be much more reliable than standard velocity
in Rugers. Use the standard for slow fire. Use the Hi-Velocity for the short line. The Hi-Velocity is becoming more
available at your locale gun shop.

Dave C.
Dave C.
Dave C.

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High end ammo Ruger Mark 2 Empty Re: High end ammo Ruger Mark 2

Post by Marine Shooter 2/20/2013, 1:44 pm

I have only used CCI Std. Vel. on my MK II 6-7/8 and have never had a malfunction. When the gun was benchrested, it shoots perfectlly with five rounds in the center taking out the X. So I know that the gun is perfect, its the shooter that needs some adjustment.
Good Luck
Marine Shooter

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High end ammo Ruger Mark 2 Empty Re: High end ammo Ruger Mark 2

Post by Al 2/20/2013, 3:31 pm

BE Mike wrote: The cheaper ammo won't be costing me points. I am the weak link.

That also would be me.


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High end ammo Ruger Mark 2 Empty Re: High end ammo Ruger Mark 2

Post by james r chapman 2/20/2013, 4:34 pm

CCI standard and Aguila pistol or rifle match...
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High end ammo Ruger Mark 2 Empty Re: High end ammo Ruger Mark 2

Post by jakuda 2/20/2013, 8:00 pm

In terms of functionality, CCI standard is the "same" as green tag and pistol match, just lot testing (and lube?) makes it pass muster for the higher price. CCI standard paper box seems to have more waxy lube which can build up, but if you boresnake/patch your barrel and ramp every now and then you're fine.
Same with Eley Tenex, Match, and Team. Same rounds made from the same machines, but different lots pass QC, and gets the higher marking and dollar cost.

As I mentioned above, CCI Standard, will be plenty accurate from your Ruger.


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