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Roddy 1" Hardball gun

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Roddy 1" Hardball gun Empty Roddy 1" Hardball gun

Post by Jack H 3/26/2020, 11:06 pm

Here it is
Les Baer frame and slide built by Roddy.
Nosler bullet, N310, Starline from the Ransom
Actually Roddy called it 1-1/16"
Since then Roddy converted it to a wad gun

Roddy 1" Hardball gun Nosler-Test
Jack H
Jack H

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Roddy 1" Hardball gun Empty Re: Roddy 1" Hardball gun

Post by Guest 3/27/2020, 12:05 am

Love it!

Thanks for sharing Jack.

But my new custom wad gun is in the queue behind Trent's SARO and who knows how many others? Worth waiting for though.



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Roddy 1" Hardball gun Empty Re: Roddy 1" Hardball gun

Post by Wes Lorenz 3/27/2020, 7:34 pm

Roddy worked his magic on my Hardball pistol before Perry and look what happened! Thank you!

Roddy 1" Hardball gun Camp_p10
Wes Lorenz
Wes Lorenz

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Roddy 1" Hardball gun Empty Re: Roddy 1" Hardball gun

Post by john bickar 3/27/2020, 7:57 pm

Wes Lorenz wrote:Roddy worked his magic on my Hardball pistol before Perry and look what happened! Thank you!

Nice. I have one of those in my collection, but it was inherited rather than earned. Mine is still pretty cool, but yours is cooler.
john bickar
john bickar

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Roddy 1" Hardball gun Empty Re: Roddy 1" Hardball gun

Post by teg2658 3/28/2020, 3:30 pm

I also have one of those in my collection, won in 1990. It was won with a ball gun built by Fred Kart. I had Jackie Best build me a ball gun, it shot wad so well I sent it right back and had it converted to a wad gun.
Tom Ginovsky


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Roddy 1" Hardball gun Empty Re: Roddy 1" Hardball gun

Post by troystaten 3/29/2020, 1:06 pm

Very impressive.  I am always amazed that a pistol design that was originally built as a service pistol and would deliver a 8 inch group at best at 50 yards can be made to shoot so well.  Thanks for showing us.


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Roddy 1" Hardball gun Empty Re: Roddy 1" Hardball gun

Post by teg2658 3/29/2020, 9:15 pm

 Congrats on your great shooting!!!


Posts : 264
Join date : 2014-05-22

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