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old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient

Jon Eulette
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old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient Empty old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient

Post by r.tornello 4/4/2020, 3:51 pm

It's been in my safe, in an unheated garage, the lead is gray,no wax or lube, in their 50 round boxes in a closed box since the early mid 2000s, approx 2003/4. I live in VA. the Temp goes from below freezing to 100 plus in the garage. I say there is a brick of ammo there. Any body have any experience with something like this or should I use the lead for shielding on my subatomic black hole propulsion generator and the propellant for the initial launch into orbit?

Seriously, its old but so am I and I still work. I was wondering.


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old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient Empty Re: old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient

Post by WesG 4/4/2020, 5:07 pm

I can think of a simple way to find out. And a brick should be a significant sample size for statistical analysis.


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old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient Empty Re: old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient

Post by r.tornello 4/4/2020, 5:09 pm

me too, shoot it! Just wondering as opposed to my usual ready-shoot-aim MO.
Unless you have another idea.

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old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient Empty Re: old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient

Post by WesG 4/4/2020, 5:23 pm

My only other thought is not to use the lead for shielding. A black/wormhole generator is in effect a time travel device. And my calculations suggest the lead could be transformed back to the uranium it decayed from, and possibly 'go off' in the process.


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old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient Empty Re: old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient

Post by Jon Eulette 4/4/2020, 5:56 pm

I had a stash of RWS  R50 hat was phenomenal. Had it in a storage shed and broke it out. Tried it and thought dang its still good. First match with it, it blooped a 5 at 6 o’clock at 50 yds. It immediately became training ammo lol.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient Empty Re: old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient

Post by r.tornello 4/4/2020, 6:34 pm

If you read a proposal in Science News the propulsion system would be contained and not effected by time travel. Now these were subatomic in size. The issue of growth was mentioned but I don't recall your issue being mentioned. The shielding would be magnetic. I was just looking for a back yard mechanics answer to the problem. As Sheldon in Big Bang tried to do, take the radioactive material from smoke detectors and build a small in home reactor to generate power for the house.  Maybe I could use the lead for that and take myself "off the grid"!

Other comment re older ammo, yeah I wonder. I think I like my shielding answer better. Maybe I'll see if the range will take them and do whatever they want.

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old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient Empty Re: old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient

Post by WesG 4/4/2020, 7:29 pm

Yeah, one of the proposals estimated you'd have to annihilate the equivalent mass of Jupiter to power the thing.

The Sheldon story happens to be real, BTW.

Nice stories. I read some your other others awhile back.


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Location : Cedar Park, TX - N CA

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old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient Empty Re: old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient

Post by Wobbley 4/4/2020, 7:46 pm

I’m sitting on a brick of Federal GM Ultra Match and a couple of Bricks of Eley when I dabbled in Smallbore.....from the 1990s.

I’m hoping they'll hatch and I can get another brick or two....

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old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient Empty Eley

Post by xman 4/4/2020, 8:20 pm

And I have a full brick of Eley target in the yellow boxes hoping that they will breed from my days of shooting metallic silhouette also back in the 90s .

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old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient Empty Re: old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient

Post by jchurch 4/4/2020, 9:14 pm

FWIW,  shot high school rifle in 70's. Our practice ammo was mil surplus.  Came out of the box green..  99+ good rounds with the occasional WTF round.  Plenty good for practice.  Loaded 50 cal ammo for  B52's in Air Force in the 80's.  Never once saw a round that wasn't made in the 30's.  Good enough to go to war with...


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old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient Empty Re: old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient

Post by xringdave 4/5/2020, 11:35 am

Here is Match ammo from the 70's maybe 80's I'm still sitting on.

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old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient Empty Re: old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient

Post by LenV 4/5/2020, 12:03 pm

I did question the OP's choice of the word ancient. I have some 73 black box and a handful of Gramp's WWII .22 ammo. That gets closer to "ancient"

Len   "Almost ancient"

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old 22 eley black label MATCH ancient Empty SuperMatch three

Post by xman 4/5/2020, 12:04 pm

SuperMatch three
That Winchester super match three really brings back memories that is what my college team used for matches .we use T 22 for practice but the coach would hand out the Super Match for matches only. As I recall all the bullets were very very gooey with lubricant , but it shot great for gallery applications . Would probably do just as well and outdoor shoots also I really liked it.
After graduation the coach would sometimes throw me a brick or two to shoot in open small bore prone matches .

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